Diff of /trunk/cforge/packages/IronPython-2.7.7/Platforms/Net45/IronPython.Wpf.xml [000000] .. [r31]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/trunk/cforge/packages/IronPython-2.7.7/Platforms/Net45/IronPython.Wpf.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+    <assembly>
+        <name>IronPython.Wpf</name>
+    </assembly>
+    <members>
+        <member name="T:IronPython.Modules.Wpf">
+            <summary>
+            Provides helpers for interacting with Windows Presentation Foundation applications.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+        <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.Wpf.LoadComponent(IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext,System.Object,System.String)">
+            <summary>
+            Loads XAML from the specified XmlReader and returns the deserialized object.  Any event handlers
+            are bound to methods defined in the provided module.  Any named objects are assigned to the object.
+            The provided object is expected to be the same type as the root of the XAML element.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+        <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.Wpf.LoadComponent(IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext,System.Object,System.IO.Stream)">
+            <summary>
+            Loads XAML from the specified XmlReader and returns the deserialized object.  Any event handlers
+            are bound to methods defined in the provided module.  Any named objects are assigned to the object.
+            The provided object is expected to be the same type as the root of the XAML element.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+        <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.Wpf.LoadComponent(IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext,System.Object,System.Xml.XmlReader)">
+            <summary>
+            Loads XAML from the specified XmlReader and returns the deserialized object.  Any event handlers
+            are bound to methods defined in the provided module.  Any named objects are assigned to the object.
+            The provided object is expected to be the same type as the root of the XAML element.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+        <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.Wpf.LoadComponent(IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext,System.Object,System.IO.TextReader)">
+            <summary>
+            Loads XAML from the specified XmlReader and returns the deserialized object.  Any event handlers
+            are bound to methods defined in the provided module.  Any named objects are assigned to the object.
+            The provided object is expected to be the same type as the root of the XAML element.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+        <member name="M:IronPython.Modules.Wpf.LoadComponent(IronPython.Runtime.CodeContext,System.Object,System.Xaml.XamlXmlReader)">
+            <summary>
+            Loads XAML from the specified XmlReader and returns the deserialized object.  Any event handlers
+            are bound to methods defined in the provided module.  Any named objects are assigned to the object.
+            The provided object is expected to be the same type as the root of the XAML element.
+            </summary>
+        </member>
+    </members>