Requries Library: NetBaseSrv = Net Base Services, using the Namespace NBS
PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR //Control xStart : BOOL; //Use this to toggle the system ON xSend : BOOL; //Send data one time. needs a false to true transition //Settings uiSendToPort : UINT := 6454; uiReceivePort : UINT := 6454; theirIP : NBS.IPv4Address := (ipAddress := ''); myIP : NBS.IPv4Address := (ipAddress := ''); MySendData : ARRAY [0..529] OF BYTE := [TO_BYTE('A'),TO_BYTE('r'),TO_BYTE('t'),TO_BYTE('-'), TO_BYTE('N'),TO_BYTE('e'),TO_BYTE('t'),00, 00,16#50,0,14, 0,0,0,0, 0,2, 512(0)]; //SOME RANDOM DATA NumberOfBytesToSend : UDINT := 20; //Receive Data MyReceiveData : ARRAY [0..529] OF BYTE; WhoSentThisData : NBS.IIPAddress; //Just some function Blocks myUDP_Peer : NBS.UDP_Peer; myUDP_Send : NBS.UDP_Send; myUDP_Receive : NBS.UDP_Receive; END_VAR
myUDP_Peer( xEnable:= xStart, xBusy=> , xError=> , eErrorID=> , itfAsyncProperty:= , itfIPAddress:= myIP, uiPort:= uiReceivePort, itfMulticast:= , xActive=> , itfPeer=> ); myUDP_Send( xExecute:= xSend, udiTimeOut:= 1000000, // 1second timeout xDone=> , xBusy=> , xError=> , eErrorID=> , itfTSNContext:= , itfPeer:= myUDP_Peer.itfPeer, itfIPAddress:= theirIP, uiPort:= uiSendToPort, pData:= ADR(MySendData), udiSize:= MIN(NumberOfBytesToSend,SIZEOF(MySendData)), udiCount=> ); xSend := FALSE; myUDP_Receive( xEnable:= myUDP_Peer.xActive, xBusy=> , xError=> , eErrorID=> , itfPeer:= myUDP_Peer.itfPeer, pData:= ADR(MyReceiveData), udiSize:= SIZEOF(MyReceiveData), xReady=> , itfIPAddressFrom=> , uiPortFrom=> , udiCount=> );
ich habe versucht eine UDP Verbindung aufbauen, myUDP_Peer meldet sich als activated und setzt myUDP_Receive xEnable auf True aber myUDP_Receive melde sich nicht als Ready!
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