Diff of /trunk/wharfie/qemu/files/qemu_autorun.sh [000000] .. [r27]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/trunk/wharfie/qemu/files/qemu_autorun.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# We are running inside of Qemu and use the block devices to
+# exchange large amounts of files. Our build jobs are long-term
+# jobs, so we just copy the whole data forth and back. While we
+# are keeping timestamps and we keep old files inside of a cache
+# partition.
+# We expect the following layout of our block devices, as they
+# are passed to Qemu at the command line:
+# - sda: This is the root partition of the system (read-only for us)
+# - sdb: This is also a real partition, which is used for caching
+# - sdc: This is our input tar archive (no real partition, so it can't be mounted)
+# - sdd: This is our output tar archive. Itself it might contain multiple archives.
+# Note the drawback of this solution is, that we have maximum limits
+# for input and output packets. But those limits can be fully influenced
+# by the caller, why it seems acceptable anyway.
+echo "#########################################################"
+echo "# Wharfie started"
+echo "#########################################################"
+sleep 10;
+echo "#########################################################"
+# setup network
+dhclient eth0
+echo "#########################################################"
+# enable binfmt for all supported architectures
+update-binfmts --enable qemu-arm
+update-binfmts --enable qemu-armeb
+update-binfmts --enable qemu-ppc
+echo "#########################################################"
+# mount the cache folder to /build and change into it
+[ ! -d /build ] && mkdir /build
+mount /dev/sdb1 /build &&
+    cd /build &&
+    # untar the input into the build folder
+    tar -xpf /dev/sdc &&
+    # run make in the build folder
+    make WHARFIE_MK=wharfie.mk &&
+    # pack everything, except some fix excludes to output
+    tar --exclude='*.piling.tar' --exclude='debian_version.mk' --exclude='debian_toolchain.tar' --exclude='debian_toolchain_env.sh' -cf /dev/sdd .
+# shut the VM down
+shutdown -P now