/trunk Commit Log

Commit Date  
[r33] by codesys-com

fixed compiler postfix for ARM64

2018-09-25 20:50:29 Tree
[r32] by ingo

Added support for ARM64, w/ an example script for the Raspberry (untested, as I don't have a RPI 3 at hand)

2018-09-03 21:25:55 Tree
[r31] by ingo

During some tests with a Dockerfile for check_mk, I implemented a few compatibility commands (EXPOSE, ARG, WORKDIR)

2018-09-01 00:19:18 Tree
[r30] by ingo

[#7] Support the commands COPY and ENTRYPOINT
- I messed up CMD and ENTRYPOINT

2018-08-31 23:42:31 Tree
[r29] by ingo

#7 Support the commands COPY and CMD

2018-08-31 23:03:56 Tree
[r28] by ingo

- Minor compatibility fixes
- Install routine in Makefile, which includes QEMU

2018-06-27 19:45:26 Tree
[r27] by ingo

[#1] Build as non-root user
- use qemu to make non-root build
- needed host tools during build of qemu: all local wharfie tools and qemu-img
- needed host tools when building w/ qemu: tar, python
- biggest limitations:
--- The size of the possible input and output is hardly limitted.
--- The maximum output size is always fully allocated on disk

2018-03-09 15:34:32 Tree
[r26] by labi

- Support building of toolchains in one run.
- fixed build abortion
- fixed double creation of output file for temporary targets

2018-02-01 23:38:01 Tree
[r25] by labi

- check for the tool kpartx
- made build more verbose, and included the hash in its output

2018-02-01 23:12:21 Tree
[r24] by labi

- fixed rpi bootstrategy
- support kpartx w/ loopback w/o support for sync open

2018-01-10 22:16:28 Tree
[r23] by labi

- fixed download in wharfile
- made bs more portable

2018-01-10 13:22:33 Tree
[r22] by labi

[#9] Support CODESYS with self-contained raspbian libraries

2018-01-05 13:45:25 Tree
[r21] by labi

--info didn't work anymore. fixed that

2017-12-21 13:45:20 Tree
[r20] by labi

strip whitespaces from make target name

2017-11-29 20:24:46 Tree
[r19] by labi

added missing return statement for toolchains

2017-11-29 19:50:12 Tree
[r18] by labi

[#8] experimental implementation of incremental/multi-level build.
Actually it seems as tar has still problems with it. I can't avoid that tar thinks that s.th. is renamed, even if it is not.
In my tests I found no problems, except the warning from tar until now. But I added it as a command line option anyway, to be safe.

By-the-way I fixed the handling of files in ADD a bit.
- URLs are supported now
- Implicite makerules don't interfer anymore with ADD

2017-11-21 22:06:42 Tree
[r17] by labi

fixed install issues, which came up after splitting the script up into libraries

2017-11-20 18:17:54 Tree
[r16] by labi

[#6] Support downloading files

2017-11-19 01:19:02 Tree
[r15] by labi

[#4] abort on error

2017-11-14 22:31:04 Tree
[r14] by labi

[#5] throw parse error on wrong commands

2017-11-14 21:02:48 Tree
[r13] by labi

restructured the main python script into submodules (curently only makefile generation and wharfile actions)

2017-11-14 20:48:36 Tree
[r12] by labi

Added MIT License text globally, so that it can be found more easily

2017-11-13 22:43:40 Tree
[r11] by labi

- added copyright statements + licenses

2017-11-13 22:27:26 Tree
[r10] by labi

- cleaned up examples for toolchains
- renamed toolchain examples to a new scheme

2017-11-13 16:21:59 Tree
[r9] by labi

- allow multiple, space separated value of environment variables
- support additional packages, specified via ADDITIONAL_TOOLCHAIN_PACKAGES in toolchains

2017-11-09 12:54:14 Tree
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