Diff of /trunk/wharfie/examples/RaspiRT/Wharfile [000000] .. [r48]  Maximize  Restore

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--- a
+++ b/trunk/wharfie/examples/RaspiRT/Wharfile
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# This is an example of a Wharfie image
+# with CODESYS.
+FROM debian_armhf_stretch
+# Base System
+# Update the system and install desired tools
+RUN apt-get update; \
+    apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends systemd-sysv openssh-server net-tools wireless-tools kmod wpasupplicant dhcpcd5 git build-essential bison flex bc libssl-dev ca-certificates wget quilt
+# Add user 'wharfie' with password 'wharfie' for interactive login
+RUN useradd -ms /bin/bash wharfie; \
+    echo "wharfie:wharfie" | chpasswd; \
+    echo "root:root" | chpasswd;
+# Add fstab
+ADD ../common/files/fstab /etc/fstab
+# Change Hostname
+RUN HOST [ -f /usr/share/dict/words ] && printf "Wharfie-%s" $(grep '^[A-Z]' /usr/share/dict/words | sed -n "$(expr ${RANDOM} % $(grep '^[A-Z]' /usr/share/dict/words | wc -l))p" | sed "s,'.*,,") > etc/hostname
+# Compile an RT-Preempt Kernel
+RUN wget --output-document=/usr/src/osadl.sh https://www.osadl.org/monitoring/showpatchscript.php?veryshorthost=r7s3s; \
+    cd /usr/src; \
+    chmod 755 osadl.sh; \
+    ./osadl.sh;
+RUN cd /usr/src/linux-*-rt*; \
+    export KERNEL=kernel7; \
+    yes | make oldconfig; \
+    make -j 9 && \
+    make -j 9 modules && \
+    make modules_install && \
+    make -j 9 zImage && \
+RUN cd /usr/src/linux-*-rt*; \
+    export KERNEL=kernel7; \
+    release=$(cut -d" " -f3 include/generated/utsrelease.h | tr -d '"') && \
+    mkdir -p /boot-rt/ && \
+    cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot-rt/zImage-$release && \
+    cp arch/arm/boot/zImage /boot-rt/$KERNEL.img && \
+    cp arch/arm/boot/dts/bcm*.dtb /boot-rt && \
+    du -shx /usr/src && \
+    cd .. && \
+    tar -czf linux-rt-sources.tar.gz linux-*-rt* && \
+    rm -rf linux-*-rt* && \
+    du -shx /usr/src
+RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends unzip
+RUN [ ! -f boot.zip ] && wget --output-document=boot.zip 'https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/archive/master.zip' || true; \
+    unzip boot.zip && \
+    rm -Rf boot/* && \
+    mv firmware-master/boot/* boot/ && \
+    mv /boot-rt/* /boot/ && \
+    rmdir /boot-rt && \
+    rm -rf firmware-master;
+ADD config.txt /boot/config.txt
+ADD cmdline.txt /boot/cmdline.txt
+# Legal stuff
+# Opational packages, which are containing
+# legal stuff and a toolchain to do cross builds.
+SOURCE sources.tar
+LICENSE license.tar
+TOOLCHAIN toolchain.tar
+# Bootstrategy: Raspberry PI
+    ../../bootstrategy/raspberrypi.sh rpi.img