decleration: fbVisuUserMgmt : VisuUserManagement.VUMUserGroup; bAutoLogOff : BOOL; tAutoLogOffTime : TIME; wstGroupName : WSTRING; code: fbVisuUserMgmt.wstGroupName := wstGroupName; fbVisuUserMgmt.xAutoLogout := bAutoLogOff; fbVisuUserMgmt.tAutoLogout := tAutoLogOffTime; Tried it that way. But how to execute? Doing fbVisuUserMgmt() dosn't work. Maybe silly question, but I'm a bit unexperienced
Hello is there a chance to set with a visu input the auto-logout time? At the moment, it is a fix value set in visu-manager. But for individual configurating of passwort policies I create a visu-dialog to set policies and there for an option to set auto-logout-time. But till now, I haven't found a solution. Maybe someone has an idea? Thanks
Got it, thanks:)
Hello, is there a (easy) possibility to set the size of virtual keypad in WebVisu? Compared to numpad the keys of the keypad are much smaller, too small for good use. Mostly you hit two or more keys. From other software I know a possibility to set a percentage to resize the virtual keypad / numpad but in CoDeSys WebVisu I haven't found it yet. Thanks
Hello all, it's the first time I work with CoDeSys WebVisu and there is an issue with input of a number. There is a dialog for input of a value for PLC parameter. For that, the VisuDialogs.Numpad is used. Now, it should be possible to input a value between 0.0 and 50.0 with 1 decimal place (limits are set to 0 and 50). But it is not possible to set a valie with a decimal. This is not accepted, the limit values are going to red (i.e. input value is 19.9). What's wrong? -- see picture Is it possible...