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2020-01-17 10:49:25
Westerholt / Germany / CEST


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    I just have a little understanding problem. I don't want to use a service but want to access my PLC directly from my notebook from outside. When I am at home, I start Codesys on my computer, as gateway I use the default setting and then I enter the IP address of my Raspberry and so I have established a connection. How it works now when I am in the office I have not understood yet. -Do I need an extra gateway or can I use the default setting? -If I need to use a different gateway, where do I install...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    Thanks for the information Where exactly do I find the settings to select "Add Device"? Which port do I need to share on my router? If I understand this correctly, doesn't a gateway have to be installed on my automation device (Raspberry)?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    Thanks for the information Where exactly do I find the settings to select "Add Device"? Which port do I need to share on my router?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering on CODESYS Forge

    Hello, on my Raspberry, I have a Codesys Runtime running. Now I would like to establish a connection from my Codesys 3.5 via my DNS address to my Raspberry. If I enter my DNS address + port in the connection parameter instead of the IP address, I can't establish a connection. How can I make the connection? Thank you and greetings Stefan

  • Posted a comment on discussion Deutsch on CODESYS Forge

    Hallo, ich habe Codesys auf meinem Raspberry laufen und ich würde gerne über einen Portfreigabe und meiner DNS Adresse auf meine Steuerung zugreifen Wenn ich die Verbindung wie folgt aufbauen möchte, wir keine Verbindung hergestellt: Wie kann ich die Verbindung von extern herstellen? Gruß Stefan

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