Hi, We have an image generated via yocto project. It has all dynamic libraries needed by the CODESYS Control Runtime binary. It has also sftp-server. When we try to install CODESYS Runtime Package via Update BeagleBone Black tool, we are getting "No connection to target: Failed to negotiate key exchange algorithm" error. What can be missing in our image? The error log can be found in the attachments. Best Regards, Cagdas
Hi Ingo, The problem was related to device description file. I modified device description file and now ReadInput/WriteOutput functions are called. Best Regards, Cagdas
Hi, We were using Codesys Runtime Toolkit in our products. We had developed an io driver for Codesys Runtime Toolkit. I tried to include this io driver component for Beaglebone Black SL. I changed the CODESYSControl_User.cfg file under /etc. Then, I run ./codesyscontrol.bin /etc/CODESYSControl.cfg command under /opt/codesys/bin. In the runtime toolkit case, IoDrvReadInputs and IoDrvWriteOutputs functions are called periodically. You can find the print logs inside codesys_run_time_toolkit.txt. These...