here a helpful explanation of the additional byte of every codesys string: good luck and happy coding!
The story behind: I have had a EhterCAT fieldbus system where sometimes error frames occured. I noticed that the master is tolerant for some error frames, but if there are very much error frames the bus goes in error state. Does somebody know the limit of error frames above the bus changes to error state?
in der ist u.a. die CSV Utility SL Bibliothek incl. Beispiel enthalten. Die kostet etwas. Generell Codesys Beispiele findest Du hier: Alternativ file read verwenden und Zeit investieren um von Hand zu FuΓ den Dateiinhalt zu durchforsten: In der OSCAT Library gab es mal noch etwas,...
I can confirm that at my 4ms EtherCAT Master the frames per second is equal at round about 500 with Codesys SP19. The same program at SP16 it was at 380-430 f/sec. for me it will be interesting too, whats the reason is for this high frame count/sec? I havn't had the time to use a paket sniffer and analyse all the frames. I can't help with your other questions, sorry.
I can confirm that at my 4ms EtherCAT Master the frames per second is equal at round about 500 with Codesys SP19. The same program at SP16 it was at 380-430 f/sec. for me it will be interesting too, whats the reason is for this high frame count/sec? I can't help with your other questions, sorry.
The only weird situation i remeber with particular or complete frozen target visu was after the rtc clock was fallen or set back to the past. It looked like after running a while the alarm history database crashed during writing entries at a date lot of years in the past. After setting the rtc clock to actual date/time and deleting the alarm db every thing worked fine. I don't know, if this is/was a problem of our PLC hardware/firmware? Maybe check date/time at your system? there was a discussion about this thematic searching in the talk helps to learn from others... good luck, Dave