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2022-01-08 21:32:08


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    We are having issues right now, and I just stumbled on that post. It seems to me you are saying your Linux ARM control is RPi 5-compatible, but the one you sell specifically for RPi is not. The fix you are proposing requires customers to re-purchase a CODESYS licence. Is there a time frame for that to be fixed?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge Quoted from the "additional requirements" section : The operating system Raspberry Pi OS (32-bit)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    4.11 appears to solve the problem. Thanks for your help. I had first installed the 64-bit version of RPiOS, but looking at various posts and the product's page on the store which only lists 32-bit compatibility, I downgraded to the 32-bit version. I did this before trying 4.11, and it did not solve the problem. Thus my working system is 32-bit, and I am wondering if I can go back to 64-bit or not. An 64-bit OS is not listed as compatible on the store's web page, but when installing there actually...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    I have a Raspberry Pi 4 we have been using for years to run CODESYS for development purposes. I recently have had to re-install the OS (Raspberry OS lite). The only change to the default configuration is not creating the "pi" user during install. I (apparently successfully) installed the control on the Raspberry Pi. We have licences on a dongle. I am able to start the control. systemctl status shows it as running for a little while (exactly, precisely 30 seconds as per my tests, every time),...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    In the past, we have routinely used the "add all instance paths" function to automatically add variables to VAR_CONFIG lists. My recollection is that compiling a project did not require VAR_CONFIG to be fully populated, and, once successfully compiled, instance paths could be added. Errors related to missing declarations, if I recall correctly, were thrown when downloading to the PLC, they did not prevent a successful compile. At some point, it stopped working. Missing declarations in a VAR_CONFIG...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    If the relationship between level and volume is amenable to it, one thing you can do is to use software that can perform a regression to get a a formula that approximates volume as a function of the level (Excel graphs can do that). Then, instead of a lookup table, you just perform a direct calculation. It makes for more concise code. Obviously, you need a different formula for each tank geometry, but the same is true with lookup tables (or at least their content).

  • Modified a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    I am the guy from the Stackoverflow answer. Let me attempt to give you a few more breadcrumbs. You are likely to want to achieve any combination of these goals. Make your control logic independent from your hardware Avoid hard-coded hardware addressing. Allow several instances of whichever device you control (e.g. motor) Make your code portable (for me, this means CODESYS and TwinCAT). I have found only one sane way to check all these boxes. This way involves not trying to achieve all these goals...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ on CODESYS Forge

    I am the guy from the Stackoverflow answer. Let me attempt to give you a few more breadcrumbs. You are likely to want to achieve any combination of these goals. Make your control logic independent from your hardware Avoid hard-coded hardware addressing. Allow several instances of whichever device you control (e.g. motor) Make your code portable (for me, this means CODESYS and TwinCAT). I have found only one sane way to check all these boxes. This way involves not trying to achieve all these goals...

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