Activity for fcmtw

  • fcmtw fcmtw posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Thanks for the answer. So yes I've enabled expert settings, and yes i've added some SDOs, but some of them who are generated are likely making a mess in the network and generated error with my device... From which library comes those 2 function blocks ?

  • fcmtw fcmtw posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Hi, When I'm adding a CANOpen device in my WAGO CANOpen Manager, CODESYS automaticaly generates some SDO's that I can't directly disable. From what those SDO's are generated ? I'm not finding anything about it in the EDS files. Also, is there a way to disable the automaticaly generated SDO and execute the manualy created ones ? Regards, Florian