Activity for FPawlak

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi All. Is it possible to use CODESYS KNX SL on stock Wago firmware (Codesys version, not e!Cockpit). I have Wago 750-8212 with firmware When I tried to run 'KNX SL' or even 'Device Reader', I have got [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE3' [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE2' [FATAL ERROR] Unresolved reference: 'CODEMGETCONTENTBYFIRMCODE2' What probbalby means that there is no running CodeMeter component on PLC. I have checked...

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi. It's after 24.02.2022 and I don't see new version. Do you know when it will be finally aviable?

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Sorry guys. I have completly forgotten to post my script files. As I wrote earlier I use it with Gitlab repositories. src/config.cfg - config file - [LOCAL_REPOSITORY] is your codesys repository where you want to install your compiled libraries and use in final project. - [LOCAL_REPOSITORY_DEVELOP] is your codesys repository where you want to install your 'develop', not compiled libraries mainly for testing - [REMOTE_REPOSITORY] - network location where you have all yours and your collegues libraries....

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I want this also for this purpose :) Before GIT extension was aviable I write some python scrips and I manualy push Codesys project file to my GITLAB server. On GITLAB server I have GITLAB Runner (Windows VM) with installed Codesys. I have configured push action which run Codesys and compile library as compiled on network drive. I have also scripts to install all libraries from network drive and so on. The main disadventage is that Codesys project is saved as 'binary' file in GIT repo. So you...

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I have very similar issue on Wago PFC200 (750-8212 and 750-8202). I using directly only one thread. But I think that same 'internal processes' are also using this function. For example I've started to have 'access violation' when I added 'Trend recording' - it's working in another thread. As workaround I can use Wago library, but it is not optimal/universal resolution. I always try to write 'vendor-independent' code as much as possible. Maybe someone can check it on 'clear codesys' with codesys...

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I use in my developnent process custom python scripts. Mainly for initializing project, saving libraries as compiled-library instaling libraries and so on. I wonder if there is any API/python classes to interact with Codesys Git Extension? I'm looking for an oportunity to commit, push, fetch or check commit hash. So I will be able to integrate GIT with my scripts. Thanks a lot for any info.

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I wonder if it is possible to make table with dynamic number of rows. Normally if I use as 'data array' _array : ARRAY[0..9] OF INT; I will have table with 10 rows - always with 10 rows (unless I set 'Max. array index' to lower value) I want to make it more dynamic. I try: _array : ARRAY[*] OF INT; //in VAR_IN_OUT declaration of Visualisation _array : POINTER TO INT; //in VAR_IN_OUT declaration of Visualisation But I alway got only one row. I have tried to set 'Max. array index' to eg. 5, manually...

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, I'm still looking for solution how to use 16#2000 or SysExcept.RTSEXCPT_VENDOR_EXCEPTION_BASE for exception. The problem is, if I throw these exception even in __try __catch the execution of my PLC program stops and can't be continued. Please see an example below: PROGRAM PLC_PRG VAR exc : __SYSTEM.ExceptionCode; divisionByZero : BOOL; vendor : BOOL; END_VAR <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> //This can be catched...

  • FPawlak FPawlak modified a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi guys. Is it possible to set library parameter based on GVL defined in main project? I have attached library with library parameter 'controller' as show below. Also in my main project I have defined GVL as VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANT controller : IMemoryController := MemoryController; END_VAR But i get errors while compiling project C0046: Identifier 'GVL' not defined C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'GVL.controller' to type 'IMemoryController'

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi guys. Is it possible to set library parameter based on GVL defined in main project? I have attached library with library parameter 'controller' as show below. Also in my main project I have defined GVL as VAR_GLOBAL CONSTANT controller : IMemoryController := MemoryController; END_VAR But i get errors while compiling project C0046: Identifier 'GVL' not defined C0032: Cannot convert type 'Unknown type: 'GVL.controller' to type 'IMemoryController'

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, thank you very much for your answer. In SysExcept there is also function SysExceptGenerateException so probablly CmpApp.AppGenerateException() is not needed. But now I have another problem - only some exceptions can be 'catched' witch __try __catch - for example for RtsExceptions.RTSEXCPT_DIVIDEBYZERO it works, but I can not catch e.g. SysExcept.RTSEXCPT_VENDOR_EXCEPTION_BASE. What wrong am I doing? Should I register the exception before?

  • FPawlak FPawlak posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi guys. I know that there is mechanism __TRY, __CATCH, __FINALLY where can I check for example whether there is divison by 0. But what if I want to generate my own exception in order to stop normal execution of program - for example when I am not able to allocate new memory __NEW() return 0 not address of allocated memory I have seen __THROW but when I try to use it __THROW(__SYSTEM.ExceptionCode.RTSEXCPT_USER_EXCEPTION_BASE); Codesys says future not implemented. when I try __SYSTEM.throwex(__SYSTEM.ExceptionCode.RTSEXCPT_USER_EXCEPTION_BASE);...