Activity for galexis

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    HI, On webvisu, I would like to make a frame to display a table. On variable input /output I have an array of array of BOOL. 48 lines of 30 column wich contain BOOL. I want display only 1 column shoes with variable GVL: VAR MyArray : [1..48] OF ARRAY [1..30] OF BOOL; ColumnToEdit: INT; END_VAR Frame: VAR_IN_OUT MyColumn: array [1..48] OF BOOL; END_VAR In the table on the frame, I call variable MyColumn. How to call only column X ? GVL.MyArray[ColumnToEdit] This refernce create an error. For array...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    HI, On webvisu, I would like to make a frame to display a table. On variable input /output I have an array of array of BOOL. 30 lines of 48 column wich contain BOOL. I want display only 1 column shoes with variable GVL: VAR MyArray : [1..30] OF ARRAY [1..48] OF BOOL; ColumnToEdit: INT; END_VAR Frame: VAR_IN_OUT MyColumn: [1..30] OF BOOL; END_VAR In the table on the frame, I call variable MyColumn. How to call only column X ? GVL.MyArray[ColumnToEdit] This refernce create an error. For array of array,...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I put in array of string value of iP from variable S1 : MyArray[pClient^.GlobalData.GlobalClientID].my_iP := s1; Thank you very much.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, ok it work for the highter CurrentClientId, but I want store IP for heach client ID in array. How can I do this ?

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, Is it possible pour know address iP of current user of webvisu ? Or name of computer ? Thanks for your answer.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    In table, there is a possibility to adjust value with a list of text ? I can display a text with a number, but when I have to change it I can display a combo list to choose value.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, I would like to modify value in webvisu with mouse click right and left: left=decrease and right=increase. Is it possible ? Thanks for your help.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi, there is a problem with tadabase of alarmmanager (storage). When you set a maximum number of alarm to store, size of database increase all of time. If you browse sqlite database, you can see more than maxinum number of alarm setting. In my application, I set 200 alarms max and when I browse database, there is mre than 131000 line in tabl (tblalrm). And the size of database is bigger than 27mo ! This problem make crash of raspberry pi when you ask history table. You have to remove manually data...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Bad news ! Thanks for your answer.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, how to change colour with variable (DWORD) of "symbols" included on codesys ( arrows for example) ? Symbols stay gray for me .....

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I use a raspberry pi and codesys 3.5SP15 patch1. In my application which work fine in past, suddently, alarmmanager make stop on PLC when I download application. Erreur was 'code source of alarmmanager is missing'. If I remove table of alarm and alarm manager no problem. What I have to do ? Where is the code source ???

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Hi, I have a webvisu with on map, 30 lamps wich represent 10 machines. Machines are grouped on different zone, for example: - machine1: zone1 - machine2 : zone1 - machine3 : zone3 - machine4: zone2 - machine5: zone3 - etc.... On webvisu, user can select 1 zone to see only machine on this zone, on the map. I use variable on PLC programm to make invisible or not each lamps. Problem: if user 1 select "zone1", each connected user see only machine in "zone1". Is-it possible to do only that separatly ...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I created a function block, all on Tooltip variable: FUNCTION BLOCK Tooltip_Information : STRING (255); VAR_INPUT id1: UNIT; id2: UNIT; END_VAR VAR sTextId : STRING; sTextList : STRING; temp1: STRING; temp2: STRING; END_VAR sTextList := 'my_list_1'; sTextId := UINT_TO_STRING(id1); temp1:= VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetDefaultText (ADR(sTextList), ADR(sTextId))^; sTextList := 'my_list_2'; sTextId := UINT_TO_STRING(id2); temp2:= VisuElems.cmpDynamictext.DynamicTextGetDefaultText (ADR(sTextList),...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, I would like to generate by code text of tooltip on webvisu (information wich appear when mouse is on element). tooltip have to be composed like: fixed text + text1 from textlist 1 + fixed text + text2 from textlist2 I want to create function block to do that a lot of time on webvisu with 2 entries: - id of text1 (INT) - id if text2 (INT) and the result was the text to display on tooltip. Could you help me to do that?

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Visualization

    Thank you very much! I want to compose a text for bubble information ( when mouse is on web symbole)) with 2 variables: " {Text dipense of list} {number}" I get only 1 part of this composed text: only text from TextList/variable or only number from variable INT

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Thank you very much! I want to compose a text for bubble information ( when mouse is on) with 2 variables: " {Text dipense of list} {number}" I get only 1 part of this composed text: only text from TextList/variable or only number from variable INT

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Thank you very much, I didn't know we can call function here !

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Is it possible to put a small code into this frame ? If my_special_entry =3 then visibility := TRUE; text for bubble := "help texte"; ....

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    This code work for several %IB (example %IB0 to %IB10) to position0 in 1 instruction if I set index to 10 ?

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Is it possible to create my own ethernet ip device ? I have x same device, I/O are mapped on table, just number of ligne change. Could I create my special device with special parameter which defines number of line in the table, I could win a lot of time.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    What do you think about this:

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    I think it's not I want to do....

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    wIndex doesn't work. For pValue := %IW8 : when wIndex = 0 I have the good result of %IW8 but if I put wIndex:=1; I haven't got value of %IW9. Result is 0.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Thank you very much ! It works very well !!!!

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Visualization

    Is it possible to create my special lamp for webvisu ? I want a special lamp: - 3 cercles with for each value of color - 1 value at the center - visibility parameter - function with mouse click. Now I do it with 2 cercles but it complicated.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    iValue: INT := 511; //Value to be split or you could do wValue AT %IW1: WORD; I want to define on input of FB the address %IW1. Is it possible ? And after, by code incremente adress to %IW2, %IW3, etc... The idea is create a function block with input the first address of %IW and the first address of %QW: FB for Slave ethernet ip 1: First_Input := %IW1; First_Input[1]:= DATA[1].word_1; First_Input[2]:= DATA[1].word_2; First_Input[3]:= DATA[1].word_3; .... FB for Slave ethernet ip 2: First_Input :=...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    I want to put all data receive by ethernet IP in data by code, I don't want to use graphic interface.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    Is it possible to make POINTER move X byte from %IW1 to a numbrer of byte ?

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    The files is store on path /PlcLogic/ac_perstitence. I could make copy on usb key but how to restore it after ? If I write it on /PlcLogic/ac_perstitence it should be work ? Any command to activate to load this files on memory ?

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    There is any solution to cal physical , example: %IW1 like this: i:=1; MyVariable:=%IWi; Thanks for your answers. Bests regards.

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Runtime

    persistence manager is a special librairy to save persistance variables . If I use this code to do a backup files on usb key(security) : creation work and I don't not if files containe good value and restore doesn't work.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    persistence manager is a special librairy to save persistance variables . If I use this code to do a backup files (security) : creation work and I don't not if files containe good value and restore doesn't work.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    I use a softwar based oΓ n codesys : schneider somachine. Datalogging is not the same and I want to display buffer par of datalogging and not csv files.

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Runtime

    In the past, I use a SD card with Rpi3B and a code to save persistents variables on files with a button and automatically restore persistents at boot. PROGRAM MEMORISATION_PERSISTANTS VAR fbDelete : FILE.Delete; (* bloc pour effacer le contenu du fichier *) sFileName : STRING := 'data.ret'; pApp : POINTER TO APPLICATION; Result : RTS_IEC_RESULT; xInit : BOOL; RESTORE: bool; END_VAR //CmpApp + CAA File + SysTypes Interfaces IF NOT xInit THEN pApp := AppGetCurrent(pResult:=ADR(Result)); xInit := TRUE;...

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    In the past, I use a SD card with Rpi3B and a code to save persistant on files with a button and automatically restire persistents at boot. PROGRAM MEMORISATION_PERSISTANTS VAR fbDelete : FILE.Delete; (* bloc pour effacer le contenu du fichier *) sFileName : STRING := 'data.ret'; pApp : POINTER TO APPLICATION; Result : RTS_IEC_RESULT; xInit : BOOL; RESTORE: bool; END_VAR //CmpApp + CAA File + SysTypes Interfaces IF NOT xInit THEN pApp := AppGetCurrent(pResult:=ADR(Result)); xInit := TRUE; RESTORE:=TRUE;...

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Engineering

    Have you example or could you explain settings ? Datlog is store on SD card.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Have you example or could you explain settings ? Datlog is store on SD card.

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Engineering

    Hi, Is it possible to display buffer of datalogging on webvisu and files of datalogging on webvisu ? Thank you very much.

  • galexis galexis modified a comment on discussion Runtime

    I have raspberry pi with runtime codesys I use raspbian with buster version. I synchronise pi to private time server with ntpdate. Time zone is set to Paris but on webvisu, alarm table use UTC time of pi and not local time. I have 2 hours of difference. When I get date and hour of Pi with systime library, it's UTC value and not local time zone. With putty when I do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdate and I set time zone to europe/paris return is good. Could you help me ?

  • galexis galexis posted a comment on discussion Runtime

    I have raspberry pi with runtime codesys. I use raspbian with buster version. I synchronise pi to private time server with ntpdate. Time zone is set to Paris but on webvisu, alarm table use UTC time. When I get date and hour of Pi with systime library, it's UTC value and not local time zone. With putty when I do : sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdate and I set time zone to europe/paris return is good. Could you help me ?

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