Problem Solved The Problem was within the Usermanagment. There should be 6 files for the Usermanagment in /var/opt/codesys/ .UserMgmtDB.csv .UserMgmRightstDB.csv .GroupDatabase.csv .UserDatabase.csv_ .GroupDatabase.csv_ .UserDatabase.csv The file .UserMgmtDB.csv was missing. I moved the other files in a savefolder. Full Step by step instructions stop the runtime with sudo /etc/init.d/codesyscontrol stop rename the following files on the PI: (or save them and then delete them) in this directory: /var/opt/codesys/...
Hello, I try to add one of my PLC from the Gateways to the List view. The Gateway is shown me as online, also i have other remote tools to verify the Internet connection is working. I do the Network Scan and the Gateway shows up, i select it and click on "Add to Server". Then I type in Username and password and click on confirm. There it shows me the "Unkown Error", see screenshot. If I use the wrong credentials it gives me the error message for this. Other Devices work fine it's just this one. Greetings...
I had the same problem. Problem solved: all licences purchased before October 2022 must be updated by Codesys. To do so, simply contact the support in the Codesys Store.
Problem gelöst: alle Lizenzen die vor Oktober 2022 gekauft wurden, müssen von Codesys aktualisiert werden. Dafür einfach den Support anschreiben im Codesys Store.
Problem gelöst: alle Lizenzen die vor Oktober 2022 gekauft wurden, müssen von Codesys aktualisiert werden. Dafür einfach den Support anschreiben im Codesys Store.
Problem gelöst: alle Lizenzen die vor Oktober 2022 gekauft wurden, müssen von Codesys aktualisiert werden. Dafür einfach den Support anschreiben im Codesys Store.