Hi, unfortunately not. But I think the problem was my Ethernet driver because I was running the runtime on a custom hardware with custom Linux Kernel.
Understood. Then I can be sure that the error is not in the license but somewhere in the operating system or the internal LAN settings. Do I have possibilities to change or adjust settings in the configuration file for the Ethernet communication?
Hey, I am using the CODESYS Control for Linux ARM SL Demo Version but I am not able to connect my Beckhoff EtherCAT-Slave to my PLC. The status in the development system says that the EtherCAT-master is running in Demo-Mode and the slave isn´t running but there is even no data on the bus so the master isn´t running?? Is it possible that I can use the EtherCAT-Master-Demo-Version only once for 30 minutes and then it´s over or do I only need to restart the Runtime and I have another 30 Minutes for...
Das irritiert mich aber, dass es so herstellerspezifisch ist, da im Anwenderhandbuch klar steht, dass mit dem Automation Studio eine xml-Datei für Fremdmaster erstellt werden kann... ## Auszug aus dem Anwenderhandbuch: Für die Konfiguration des Modbus/TCP Bus Controllers und der angeschlossenen I/O-Module kann das Automation Studio verwendet werden. Dieses erstellt eine Vollkonfiguration in Form einer XML-Datei, welche mit der ModbusTCP Toolbox auf den Bus Controller übertragen werden kann. Weiters...
Das heißt im Umkehrschluss also, dass externe Modbus xml/eds-files von CODESYS nicht unterstützt werden? Das xml-file habe ich angehängt.
Hallo, ich habe momentan folgendes Projekt: Ich möchte meine CODESYS-Steuerung als Modbus TCP Master verwenden und als Slave einen B&R Feldbus-Controller(X20BC0087) verwenden. Dazu habe ich den Bus-Controller mit angehängten I/Os, etc. über das Automation Studio konfiguriert und mir dann vom Programm eine XML-Datei für meinen Anwendungsfall erstellen lassen. Möchte ich diese XML-Datei jetzt aber im Development System über das Geräte-Repository installieren, so kommt folgende Fehlermeldung: Der korrekte...
I'm declaring them exactly like explained in the file you mentioned... But if I watch the usage of the memory in the development system, the size of the retain memory stays the same.
Thanks for your response @i-campbell. Unfortunately I wasn´t able to continue with my work until now. I added the settings in my config file but there is no difference to before and the variables get written in the normal memory. I tried it with writing in the CODESYSControl.cfg and in the CODESYSControl_User.cfg but in both cases it didn't work. After implementing the settings I rebooted the system and I tried different address areas (beginning of the NVRAM and somewhere in the middle of the NVRAM-address...
Hey, How can I store my persistent/retain data to my internal eMMC-Flash? I know that I have to change some things in the "CODESYScontrol.cfg" file but I have no idea what values I have to change. I can't seem to find a reference or I'm not searching for the right word. Thanks!
Hey there, I want to change something in the configuration file and now I'm wondering if there exists an overview for the sections and commands that I can execute. I searched quite a long time in the internet but didn't find anything. Can anybody help me? Thanks for your answers :)
Hi, I want to start a project with my controller. Now I have a question cause I can´t find any responses in the internet: If I want to use the "CODESYS" Control for Linux ARM SL with a EtherCAT Master implemented, do I need to buy the license for the EtherCAT Master or is there any demoversion running in my development system like for other licensed products from CODESYS? Thanks for your answers :)
Hi, I want to start a project with my controller. Now I have a question cause I can´t find any responses in the internet: If I want to use the "CODESYS" Control for Linux ARM SL, do I need to buy the license or is there any demoversion running in my development system like for other licensed products from CODESYS? Thanks for your answers :)
Hier noch der zugehörige Code: TYPE Struct_Error : STRUCT ErrorCount : INT; ErrorName : STRING; ActiveTime : TIME; TimeStamp : TIME; END_STRUCT END_TYPE {attribute 'qualified_only'} VAR_GLOBAL ec1_transmission_error : INT := 1; ec2_bit_op_error : INT := 2; ec3_integer_op_error : INT := 3; ec4_floating_op_error : INT := 4; ec5_RunTime_error : INT := 5; ec1_time : TIME := T#1MS; ec2_time : TIME := T#2MS; ec3_time : TIME := T#3MS; ec4_time : TIME := T#4MS; ec5_time : TIME := T#5MS; active_time : TIME...
Hallo zusammen, ich habe folgendes Problem: Ich möchte mehrere Fehlerfälle in meinem Programm definieren, die, wenn sie auftreten, mit Häufigkeit, Bezeichnung und Zeitstempel. Dazu habe ich eine Struktur erzeugt (siehe Screenshot), in der diese definiert sind. Tritt der Fehler auf, werden die passenden Werte in die Bestandteile der Structure geschrieben und in einem Array gespeichert. Allerdings habe ich das Problem, dass ich beim Schreiben des Arrays den Typ "Structure" nicht in einen String umwandeln...
Thanks. With this program I was able to implement my desired program.
Thanks for your answer @timvh. I tried it but it seems like it doesn´t work. Every variable has the default 0 value and does not change but I don´t know why :( Does anyone have suggestions for improvement of the program?
Thanks for your answer @timvh. I tried it but it seems like it doesn´t work. Every variable has the default 0 value and does not change but I don´t know why :( Does anyone have suggestions for improvement of the program?
Hello to the experts, I want to use the CmpIecTask library to get the current Jitter value of my program in a variable. Can anyone explain or give an example how I use this library, especially the IecTaskGetInfo3 function (How do I declare the Inputs and how do I use the output?). Thank you for your answers :)
Thanks for your response, I solved it: You have to install the device reader(Tools -> Package Manager -> Install). For that you have to close all Development System projects. After the successful installation you go to "C:\Users...\CODESYS Examples\Device Reader..." and open it Now you can successfully run the project and the visualization shows the supported functions Hope I can help someone who has the same problem :)
Hello everyone, I was downloading the Device Reader from the CODESYS Store to check what features my hardware supports. But I´m not able to install it in the Development System. If I go on install it only says upcoming installation but it doesn´t start the installation. Can anyone help me how to install and execute it? Thanks for your answers.
Hello everyone, I was downloading the Device Reader from the CODESYS Store to check what features my hardware supports. But I´m not able to install it in the Development System. If I go on install it only says upcoming installation but it doesn´t start the installation. Can anyone help me how to install and execute it? Thanks for your answers.
Hello everyone, I need to develop a UPS for a Raspberry Pi 4 with CODESYS implementation. This UPS should guarantee that the PLC is able to shutdown and push the retain-variables to a connected NVRAM. But because of missing space it needs to be configured as small as possible. Does anyone have some typical times for the Runtime to completely shutdown? Thanks for your answers.
Hello everyone, I´m developing a hardware-project with CODESYS implementation and I need to ensure that the data on my PLC-hardware is saved in the case of a powerfail. I know that this works with a FRAM or a UPS and I have implemented both on my hardware. I want to use a real-time Linux OS and I have an ARM processor so I use the "CODESYS Control for Linux ARM" Runtime. My question is how I´m able to adjust that the persistent variables are saved on the FRAM? Do I only have to adjust it in Linux...