For what it is worth taking into account on version 4.18: Softmotion 4.17 doesn't work with the SMC_TRAFO_Scara2. Very small numbers come out of dA and dB. Going back to version 4.16 solves the issues.
Finnaly i get it working. There was a line in the file that set the ADS1015 chip in /boot/firmware/config.txt which i removed and after that the ADS1115 has a green turning circle and i got values. i created a new component so it fits our ADS1015. see screenshot. It works also with Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi 64 SL after adding the ULINT_TO_UDINT conversion in the library. i think the chip was all the time in use by the Raspberry pi itself. Thanks for your help!
I don't have a multiplexer so it very weird that it connects with that multiplexer. If i do a I2C scan on the PI terminal, i only get the device addresses 0x48 and 0x51. One for the ADC and one for RTC. I will try again with your libraries
I also installed your codesys version with the codesys for raspberry pi package version 4.7.0. but with no succes, only the TCA multiplexer has a constant green turning circle, the ADS1115 still changing from running to not running.
I succeed to change the device to PI_SL but still the same problem of the I2C device switching between running and not running. the only difference with your project is that yo use I2C_master device version 4.7.0 and i 4.7.13, for GPIO i also use the 4.7.13 version and you the 4.7.0. Can you send me the older version of the Raspberry PI pheripals library, because i cannot choose lower version then 4.7.10 for the GPIO and I2C_master device
I succeed to change the device to PI_SL but still the same problem of the I2C device switching between running and not running. the only difference with your project is that yo use I2C_master device version 4.7.0 and i 4.7.13, for GPIO i also use the 4.7.13 version and you the 4.7.13. Can you send me the older version of the Raspberry PI pheripals library, because i cannot choose lower version then 4.7.10 for the GPIO and I2C_master device
We use a Compute module 4 it's 64bit based, so i cannot change it to sl.what are the possibilities to get the i2c working?
I included a project archive in the attachments