Activity for jeroenaero

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    For what it is worth taking into account on version 4.18: Softmotion 4.17 doesn't work with the SMC_TRAFO_Scara2. Very small numbers come out of dA and dB. Going back to version 4.16 solves the issues.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Finnaly i get it working. There was a line in the file that set the ADS1015 chip in /boot/firmware/config.txt which i removed and after that the ADS1115 has a green turning circle and i got values. i created a new component so it fits our ADS1015. see screenshot. It works also with Codesys Control for Raspberry Pi 64 SL after adding the ULINT_TO_UDINT conversion in the library. i think the chip was all the time in use by the Raspberry pi itself. Thanks for your help!

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I don't have a multiplexer so it very weird that it connects with that multiplexer. If i do a I2C scan on the PI terminal, i only get the device addresses 0x48 and 0x51. One for the ADC and one for RTC. I will try again with your libraries

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I also installed your codesys version with the codesys for raspberry pi package version 4.7.0. but with no succes, only the TCA multiplexer has a constant green turning circle, the ADS1115 still changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I succeed to change the device to PI_SL but still the same problem of the I2C device switching between running and not running. the only difference with your project is that yo use I2C_master device version 4.7.0 and i 4.7.13, for GPIO i also use the 4.7.13 version and you the 4.7.0. Can you send me the older version of the Raspberry PI pheripals library, because i cannot choose lower version then 4.7.10 for the GPIO and I2C_master device

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I succeed to change the device to PI_SL but still the same problem of the I2C device switching between running and not running. the only difference with your project is that yo use I2C_master device version 4.7.0 and i 4.7.13, for GPIO i also use the 4.7.13 version and you the 4.7.13. Can you send me the older version of the Raspberry PI pheripals library, because i cannot choose lower version then 4.7.10 for the GPIO and I2C_master device

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    We use a Compute module 4 it's 64bit based, so i cannot change it to sl.what are the possibilities to get the i2c working?

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I included a project archive in the attachments

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    i created a new project and did what you said, but still the same problem unfortunately. The ADS1115 is constantly changing from running to not running.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    okay, the weird thing is the driver is only continuous running when i enable debug output. if debug is not enabled it's continuous switching from running to not running. i will check again and download the libraries Which versions of libraries do you use, can you send a screenshot?

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I also have a screenshot of the library versions under your library

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I tested your project but with same results i am still not seeing analog values. I also included the library list, the mainprogram.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    I tested your project but now the device is not running see the screenshots. i am still not seeing analog values. I also included the library list, the mainprogram.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    The voltage what i want to measure is 3.286v. I can check the voltage through terminal, see screenshots.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    The voltage what i want to measure is 3.286v. I can check the voltage through terminal, see screenshots.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Okay i will try. I tried already the different settings. The CodeSys version i use, is CodeSys 3.5 SP20 Patch 3. The device which i use is CodeSys Control For Raspberry PI 64 SL version The wiring should be okay because i'm using the Edatec ED-CM4IND-1432-4C(EU).

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Okay i will try. I tried already the different settings. The CodeSys version i use, is CodeSys 3.5 SP20 Patch 3. The device which i use is CodeSys Control For Raspberry PI 64 SL. The wiring should be okay because i'm using the Edatec ED-CM4IND-1432-4C(EU).

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    thank you, i tried your library and device description but i don't get analog values. Do i something wrong? i also got an library error at the I2C_BASE functionblock the calcCycleTime gave an variable size error, so i added thet conversion from ULINT_TO_UDINT.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    yes i took the library from another forum:, it is made for the ads1115 but the ads1015 is almost the same device with same adresses i only changed the divide value of the analog value, because thats the only difference between the ads1115 and ads1015.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, We have a problem with CodeSys on a raspbery pi with an ADS1015 analog to I2C module. It can't find the I2C device on the i2c bus, it says No I2C Driver Found. When we use the RPI terminal we can find the I2C device and read it out. The i2c-1 bus is also accessible from codesys. The device address of the Analog to I2C module is 0x48. Can someone have a look what the problem is? i submitted the screenshots in the attachments. i also include the device description and library.

  • jeroenaero jeroenaero posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello, I am trying to send and receive a custom message (array of bytes) via serial line 2 (Rs485 of a M241) which also uses the generic modbus slave. I've found this;;product=core_modbus_configuration_editor;version= Is there an example how to use it? Kind regards, Jeroen