Hi! I'm trying to use GPIO Mods.Soft PWM to activate 2 pin GPIO. But it doesn't work properly. The two outputs do not work independently. When I change the rDutyCycle value of one output, it also changes the other output. Can someone help me?
Thank you seculke! I don't know if is the same but Codesys people says that the new release of runtime in 24th September will correct this problem Regards
Thank you!
Thanks i-campbell! I will try this.
Thanks! I will try this.
Thank you eschwellinger! Please! When will it be released? I already tried several alternatives to solve. Of course I'm not an expert on linux, raspberry or codesys but I'm already feeling like an idiot. Regards, José Carlos Rago
Hi everyone! I'm trying to test the Codesys control on a Raspberry PI 4 with 2 Gb of RAM. My problem is that it is only running for a few seconds. If anyone had a similar problem please help me. Thank you!