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2025-03-11 19:12:04.997000


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    The MC_Home or MC_SetPosition requires a programm cycle to be completed. In my application the speed is approximately 120m/min and the programm cycle is 2ms. That means that i will have a 4mm loss on each Trigger of either MC_Home or MC_SetPosition. The best option is to change the value defined in the axis configuration. I tried the SMC_SetMovementType but it only works with the axis standstill or powered off. I need to be able to change it while the axis is moving.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    Hello, I have an application with 2 axis. The master axis will be configured as Modulo. During motion i want to be able to change the rollover position if required. How is it possible to do this?

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