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2023-08-03 09:55:10


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  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    Dear All, I hope first to get notice and somebody answer my question. How can I create a motion profile with the axis following it (once or periodically)? As my research shows, Schineder has a UI-based (Motion Sizer) program that helps create a motion with different configurations, which is Codesys-based. I need to create a motion profile based on position, changing the speed. (i.e., 0-300mm moves with 300 mm/s, 300-400mm moves with 500 mm/s, 500-800mm moves with 1000 mm/s, and 800-0mm moves with...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    Hello everybody, I have a problem with initializing output tappet. I am getting right output signal but I am not able to reset the output of tappet to reuse it properly. I am using SMC_GetTappetValue function, I notice when I am online I can reach to bInit value and by making it :=True i was able to reset the tappet but I am not able to assgin a value of it as it not part of the IO of the FB. Can anybody help. bests

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