Activity for omeo

  • omeo omeo modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi We have update raspberry pi os to newest version, It works now. But it take another problem: we cannot restore license, the softcontainer id has changed(128-27927847 to 32767-1947521611). we cannot restore from file also cannot restore from offline transformer. Please help us. After offline license transformer, the license has been actived. Thanks a ton! Thanks.

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi We have update raspberry pi os to newest version, It works now. But it take another problem: we cannot restore license, the softcontainer id has changed(128-27927847 to 32767-1947521611). we cannot restore from file also cannot restore from offline transformer. Please help us. Thanks.

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi Thanks for your reply! I had install EIP, It exception also. but we got log:GetLinkSettings2(Operation not supported). Please see attach. Thanks

  • omeo omeo modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi I have using a usb-ethernet adapter to create second ethernet port on raspberry pi, We need use ETH0( internal ethernet) run ethercat master and use ETH1(USB-RJ45 dongle) run EtherNET/IP. We have test it on, it works well. but in we got exception when plc start. Please see attach screenshoot. But in EtherNET/IP can running on ETH0 work fine. Also we can use modbus tcp on ETH1 so hardware no problem. We also test use device on ide, compile and download to

  • omeo omeo modified a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi I have using a usb-ethernet adapter to create second ethernet port on raspberry pi, We need use ETH0( internal ethernet) run ethercat master and use ETH1(USB-RJ45 dongle) run EtherNET/IP. We have test it on, it works well. but in we got exception when plc start. Please see attach screenshoot. But in EtherNET/IP can running on ETH0 work fine. Also we can use modbus tcp on ETH1 so hardware no problem. We also test use device on ide, compile and download to

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Runtime πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi I have using a usb-ethernet adapter to create second ethernet port on raspberry pi, We need use ETH0( internal ethernet) run ethercat master and use ETH1(USB-RJ45 dongle) run EtherNET/IP. We have test it on, it works well. but in we got exception when plc start. Please see attach screenshoot. But in EtherNET/IP can running on ETH0 work fine. Also we can use modbus tcp on ETH1 so hardware no problem. We also test use device on ide, compile and download to

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Thanks you a lot! Insert G17 on gcode then it works fine. pbyBuffer^[0].piStartpos is cause by ncd.piStartPosition, After give it the axis actual position it also works perfect. Thanks!

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi I have check the process, PathTask to generate a poqpath give cnc, then ipo going position calc. By trace ipo.poqDataIn^.nReadPos, When problem happen its 0. So i check poqPath^.pbyBuffer^[0].piStartPos and poqPath^.pbyBuffer^[0].piDestPos, Its different. but its should be same i guess cuz no any movement command before g54. So i add line in preparepath: IF ncd.bDone THEN poqPath^.pbyBuffer^[0].piStartPos:=poqPath^.pbyBuffer^[0].piDestPos; END_IF Then it works fine. BUT, When i try enable smoothpath(...

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi Thanks for you reply. Its cause by Z axis control speed too much. I had try to make AxisZ.fSWMaxVelocity=500, trace result show it got 350mm/s. But i had set rncf.fDefaultVelFF=100, So any axis speed should not greater than 100mm/s theoretically. period of the ripples about 500ms. it should cause by speed too large. rActualSpeed not use in this template, This code is from another large project. You can try simulate on your computer, Should have same result. We have test it on rpi and x86 rte,...

  • omeo omeo posted a comment on discussion Motion πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hi I have try to make a cnc using codesys, We need g54 to shifting Coordinate System. But Z-Axis got unusual movement. Here is a simple g-code to show problem: N010 G90 N020 G54 X10 Y10 Z50 N030 G0 X0 Y0 Z0 N040 G1 X10 Y0 (You can see trace image and project file in Attachments.) But after change N020 to G54 X50 Y50 Z50 then it works fine like magic. agiBufDecoder seems fine but ipo.piSetPosition not ok. If enable G51(smoothpath), agiBufSmooth also got z=0 state, It's unusual. So I think the problem...