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I want to use a internet agenda to control a heating system. Has anyone an example ?
When i write with Sysfile in linux controller. It writes. Wh en i Read, i dont get the data. Why ?
For mapping i made a stucture. So i only have to map the first one. But somehowe i have to map them all. Why ? How can i make mapping easy ? TYPE stASDA_T : STRUCT SW : ASDA_UnionSW; Op_Mode_Act : SINT ; Ist_Pos : DINT ; //6064 Ist_vSpeed : DINT ; //606C Input : stASDA_UnionInputs; // 60FD Status : ASDA_UnionMS ; END_STRUCT END_TYPE
I Want to make een VPN connection. So i want to add a gateway. But i cant change Port to IP adres. Why ? Somtimes i can change but now not. Why issnt this stable
Thats working. Now the end question. Witch on is better. DF or lsusb . Df reads the directory. and lsusb an status. so i would think that its better to check a status every second then to read every second a directory.
df -h is working. But cant find sda1. ill think find also is limited to 255 i can see it in the string. Also tried an union. But that also not working properly.
df -h is working. But cant find sda1. ill think find also is limited to 255 i can see it in the string
putty gives : -sh: lsblk: command not found
Never used putty. i look into it. I tried to shut down codesys to get to linux. But that doesn't work the way like in Windows.
LSblk gives only OK$N with or without an stick.
sStdOut is 1000. So to long for LEFT or RIGHT. Limits from codesys. I try Everythink. Also Lookt for an Linux Cource. But a Cource would help me at the moment.
Im testing it. but its one long string. So i tried to set it to an array. But commands like LEFT en RIGHT are limmited to 255. is there an other way ?
Thats working. But not every stick responce with :"Flash Drive"
Thanks. But it looks like it doesn't know lsblk.
Isn't there a normal way to detect an USB stick ? If would expect that the hardware the stick detects and set a status .
sUSB_STICK :STRING := '/media/sda1'; 1: // check for USB Stick udiDirHandle := SysDirOpen(szDir:= sUSB_STICK, szDirEntry:= sDirEntry, diMaxDirEntry:= SIZEOF(sDirEntry), pDirInfo:= ADR(stDirInfo), pResult:= Fehler_Dir); b_Pugged:= udiDirHandle <> 16#FFFFFFFF; //Fehler_Dir = 0; udiCloseError := SysDirClose(hDir:= udiDirHandle);
Thats the way i did it. open the director. If its shows an Error, then there is no stick. But the problem is . if i read a directory its not up to date. Pull out the stick. Then read the stick. it still shows a directory !!
Thanks. i will try it.
I dont know nothing about Linux. Thats the problem. They changed from Windows CE to Linux. Most of it is working. But if i read a directory its not up to date. Pull out the stick. Then read the stick. it still shows a directory !!
Isusb ?? is that a codesys command ? I programm Codesys. Than i want to detect if there's a stick inserted. Ive there it should show the directory. But somehowe linux is not up to date. If i read a directory. then pul out the stick. Then read the diretory. It still shows the directory even if the stick is pulled out.
How can i detect that there is an USB Stick ? With windows is read the directory. But now they changed to LINUX. That doesn't work that way.
with SysTimeRtcConvertDateToUtc and SysTimeRtcConvertUtcToDate i can convert a date to dayofyear ( wYday ). but how can i change wYday back to date ?
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Still a lot of work. I can map on a fix adres. but then when i add a device i have to move other fixt adresses. Then i can map on the first array variable. But then it doesn't mapp the other variables. i dont know why. it should. The array is a fix structure also the device mapping is a fixt one.
Hi there, to use a can device i have to setup the mapping by entering every variable . by using several equal device its a lot of work. So i try to map on a structure. but somehowe codesys doesn't accept that. somehow i have to enter every one. is there a better way ?
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