Activity for restomod56

  • restomod56 restomod56 posted a comment on discussion Engineering πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Hello Oleg, I just now read your message about your difficulties in getting assistance on your sofware licensing needs. My name is Kevin Stevenson and I am the Regional Sales Manager for WAGO Corporation here in the Houston, TX area. I would like to talk with you at your earliest convenience and help you get things worked out on your software licensing... if you still need assistance. We have some wonderful solutions for software licensing and also Building Automation applications. You can call me...

  • restomod56 restomod56 posted a comment on discussion Forge πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    Thanks very much for the suggestion. We will give this a try and let you know how it works. ENCODER WHEEL - Funny you should ask! We are actually trying to help a customer eliminate the use of an ENCODER WHEEL and an expensive encoder input module. Trying to simplify their design.

  • restomod56 restomod56 posted a comment on discussion Forge πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§

    We have an interesting application challenge. It's for an application that won't allow for an external mouse, keyboard or use of the touchscreen of my HMI to change the data in an input data field on our HMI. We will have to use physical pushbuttons, or maybe a selector switch hardwired to the PLC. We need the following functionality ... STEP 1 - SCREEN NAVIGATION - Based on the value of the data in the PLC INPUT IMAGE table (created by the hardwired pushbutton input to PLC), this will cause our...