Hi George, I do not know what the problem is with the syssocket implementation, but when i read the forums it seems the Net Base Services library is the recommended way to go. There is another more extensive example here: https://forge.codesys.com/prj/codesys-example/plc-chat-nbs/home/Home/ I have just tested this example and it works very well, also with closing and opening the connection from hercules... good luck!
Hi George, I am no expert but recently tried and got it working using this example project: https://forge.codesys.com/prj/codesys-example/nbs/home/Home/#example-for-tcp-server-tcp-client BR, Rinie
Hi, The '' characters in Codesys are there only to indicate it is a STRING type. They are not actually added to the string, maybe you are adding them unintentionally in the concat function? You can send your data from Codesys to Hercules to verify... Another option is to send the data as an array of bytes instead of a string, with every byte representing 1 ASCII character. https://www.ascii-code.com/ This way you are 100% sure Codesys is not adding any unwanted characters.
Hi, Is it possible to change the updaterate for a remote targetvisu? BR, Rinie
Hello, I am trying to get TargetVisu for Linux working but i am having some troubles. The problem is that after installation it is not starting automatically on boot and i cannot start it from the update Targetvisu tool. When i try i get the following error (see attached screenshot) The file /opt/codesysvisualization/scripts/codesysvisualization_start.sh is missing... Steps performed: - installed fresh Debian 12.7 on virtual machine - installed all required libraries as described here: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Control/_rtsl_target_visu_for_linux.html...
hi, Does anyone know how to optimise the responisiveness of the web visualisation? When i open the webvisu on my laptop it is very responsive, no noticable lag. But when i open it on the HMI (web client) at the customer site there is a lag of +-500 when opening popups etc. The hmi used is: Phoenix Contact WP 6156-WHPS full hd Arm® Cortex®-A53, 1.6 GHz qt web browser The clients performance seems to be the problem, what can i do in my project to decrease the load for the client?
the $N stands for newline and $R stands for line break. maybe these combinations are considered as 1 character/position? Not sure, just a thought... see also: https://content.helpme-codesys.com/en/CODESYS%20Development%20System/_cds_operands_constant_string.html#:~:text=A%20string%20constant%20is%20a,belong%20to%20this%20character%20set.
Hi, When you open 'Codesys Installer' you can select which version of Control Win should be used. Select '...' at the desired version and select 'Set Control Service' Then start Codesys Control Win again...