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  • trusty-squire modified a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    Deleting double post

  • trusty-squire posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    What is the task configuration? When you are online and look at the task monitor, what does it show? (Put a screenshot here). If the processor is overloaded you'll likely need to increase the cycle interval, disable the watchdog, or change to a cyclic task instead of interval based? Also, You might want to adjust your task priorities so they don't all have the same priority. Just a few thoughts, although looking at the task monitor would help in troubleshooting.

  • trusty-squire posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    What is the task configuration? When you are online and look at the task monitor, what does it show? (Put a screenshot here). If the processor is overloaded you'll likely need to increase the cycle interval, disable the watchdog, or change to a cyclic task instead of interval based? Also, You might want to adjust your task priorities so they don't all have the same priority. Just a few thoughts, although looking at the task monitor would help in troubleshooting.

  • trusty-squire modified a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧

    In that case, the best thing to do might be to track the offset in a separate variable of your logic, then when you provide target positions, make your target position use the tracked offset as below: ActualTargetPosition := (TargetPosition + MyOffset) MOD 360; Although, upon further reflection, you'll still have the same cycle time issues. You might be able to break your code into multiple tasks to reduce the cycle time, or use an Event task to capture the offset position?

  • trusty-squire posted a comment on discussion Motion 🇬🇧

    In that case, the best thing to do might be to track the offset in a separate variable of your logic, then when you provide target positions, make your target position use the tracked offset as below: ActualTargetPosition := (TargetPosition + MyOffset) MOD 360;

  • bernardchen posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧

    a codesys project V2.3.9 opened with error of libuary missing. Modbustcp.lib and Modbustcpsrv.lib where can I download these two libs . I am a beginner of codesys. this codesys v2.3 is running in virtualbox XP system without internet access.

  • peterkcontrols posted a comment on discussion Visualization 🇬🇧

    Hello I would like an element in my visu to be only visible when a certain Variable is true, currently it is only capable of being normally visible and then invisible if a certain variable is true. Is this possible without programming a new variable to be the opposite of my desired control variable? Thanks.

  • dkugler posted a comment on discussion Deutsch 🇩🇪

    Auf die Schnelle fällt mir keine Möglichkeit ein, wie die Webvisu aus dem WebBrowser heraus den PC auf dem der Browser läuft, direkt beeinflussen, sprich herunterfahren könnte. Die Webvisu ist ja letztlich nichts anderes, als eine HTML Seite, die im Browser angezeigt wird. Als einzige Lösung fällt mir der file transfer (Beispiel findest du hier https://content.helpme-codesys.com/de/CODESYS%20Examples/_ex_visu_logging_of_variable_value_changes-1799730.html) ein. Du könntest über einen Button in der...

  • julian123 posted a comment on discussion Runtime 🇬🇧

    Hello mos89p, I had the same problem. There is a lot of threads about this, but not one up to date. Your solution worked and I was finally able to use my software again. Thank you!