I got the shared memory example. I'm pretty sure I'm successfully created a memory space, CreateResult returns 18. szName:='CodesysDataShare'; hShm := SysSharedMemoryCreate(szName, 0, ADR(uxiSize), ADR(CreateResult)); I'm trying to access this memory with a C# application, but I get "Unable to Find Specified File". I suspect that Codesys and/or Visual Studio code alters the name I choose? Being in Windows, I cant find a way to see the mapped memory list. ~~~ using (var mmfRead = MemoryMappedFile.OpenExisting("CodesysDataShare",MemoryMappedFileRights.ReadWrite))...
3.5.18 still a thing. And thanks for posting this, I could not figure out what I was missing causing this error.
Same issue here. Same controller. I tried uninstall/reinstall and the security wasn't reset.
Same here. I don't even want the credentials, but the most recent patch put it on. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but the password is still there.
I found the example, and was able to strip it down until no errors and finally got it to work. Turns out my original solution was simply missing the Email_Send.sMailFrom being set. Port 465 and TLS encryption also for those who are trying.
I found the example, and was able to strip it down until no errors and finally got it to work. Turns out my original solution was simply missing the sMailFrom being set. Port 465 and TLS encryption also for those who are trying.
Well I can run the Control Win V3 x64 and it immediately doesn't work. So there must be another issue. The link you send says there's example code, but I've never been able to find it.