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Forgot my device's login

  • josevarellab - 2021-09-10

    Please, I forgot my username and password to access my device. Can I change the security? Or if I reinstall this I will put a new user and pass?

    • rpostwvu - 2021-09-17

      Same issue here. Same controller. I tried uninstall/reinstall and the security wasn't reset.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2021-09-10

    Which plc are you using?

  • josevarellab - 2021-09-10

    I'm using the virtual PLC - CODESYS Control Win V3 x64

  • josevarellab - 2021-09-10

    I'm using the virtual PLC - CODESYS Control Win V3 x64


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