Our IPC has multiple seperate ethernet ports. Is it possible to have two ethercat masters on the IPC (on two different ehternet ports off course)? If so, is there documentation available on this, or are there watchouts? Thanks
Our IPC has multiple seperate ethernet ports. Is it possible to have two ethercat masters on the IPC (on two different ehternet ports off course)? If so, is there documentation available on this, or are there watchouts? Thansk
Why can't a property be of type REFERENCE TO? Plc goes to stop if I try that.
I have developped a function block 'Axis' the inherits from 'AXIS_REF_SM3' -> FUNCTION_BLOCK Axis EXTENDS AXIS_REF_SM3 In my global variable list I define a variable MasterDrive of type Axis and assign Axis1. Axis1 is a virtual drive (AXIS_REF_VIRTUAL_SM3). This type should inherit from AXIS_REF_VIRTUAL. VAR_GLOBAL MasterDrive : Axis := Axis1; However I get the error 'Cannot convert type'. What is the way to obtain what I want : function block inheriting AXIS_REF_SM3 and initialising this function...
Is there a variable indicating that a gearing or camming operation is pending? For instance MC_Gearin has beeen triggered, but starting point of master axis to start the sychronisation movement is not reached yet, so the slave axis is just waiting for this. I should be able to differ between a pending and active gearing or camming
What variable of the axis indicates it is a modulo of finite axis? I want to check that in the code, to adopt my motion code between the two types.
Yes but what exactly does each of them stand for?
What is the exact meaning of the variables that measure the softmotion performance : Axis_Ref_SM3.perfTimers.udiAI_ns Axis_Ref_SM3.perfTimers.udiAO_ns Axis_Ref_SM3.perfTimers.udiBI_ns Axis_Ref_SM3.perfTimers.udiBO_ns
No ideas?
In my projet I use Softmotion. There are several Softmotion axis (type SM_Drive_Virtual). In the Global Variable List I have an array of pointers to the adress of the Axis. Axis : ARRAY[1..iMaxCntAxes] OF POINTER TO AXIS_REF_SM3 := ADR(AX01_Axis), // [1 ADR(AX02_Axis), // [2] This works, but when compiling I get the message : . [WARNING] E3D: GVL Device: PLC Logic: Application: C0564: A reference to uninitialized variable AX01_Axis is used for initialization of Axis. Accessing the uninitialized variable...
If I do online monitoring of code in f.i. a function block, I cannot see if the function block is called or not. In software from other vendors you normally have an indication if the online code you are looking on is scanned at that moment or not. Is there a way in Codesys to determine in the online view if (parts) of the code are scanned or not? Thanks
I have a project in Codesys v3.5 sp19 patch2 that contains softmotion virtual axes. I want to simulation the code (softmotion) on the simulated plc on the pc. The controller in the project is a Codesys Softmotion Win V3 x64. I have started up the Codesys Softmotion Win 64 on the pc. However it seems a 3.5 sp14 controller. When trying to download the project, I get a message that target system is different from connected system (3.5.19 vs 3.5.14). How do I set the connected system to 3.5.20 (there...
We are using Advantech ipc with Codesys in our safety. We want to implement Failsafe Over Ethercat. Do we need a dedicate controller (like f.i. from Rexroth) to control the codesys safety? Or can it be implemented on any controller (like our Advantech IPC)?