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2020-05-02 20:15:31


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  • Modified a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 on CODESYS Forge

    code section1: TYPE stdata_list : STRUCT ilast_pos : ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;//the position of the last record in the list idata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF INT; sdata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF STRING; stdata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF stitems; END_STRUCT END_TYPE code section2: FUNCTION finsert : int VAR_IN_OUT stlist : stdata_list; END_VAR VAR_INPUT idata : INT; END_VAR IF stlist.ilast_pos +1 < GVL.MAX THEN stlist.idata[stlist.ilast_pos +1] := idata; stlist.ilast_pos:=stlist.ilast_pos+1; E...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 on CODESYS Forge

    code section1: TYPE stdata_list : STRUCT ilast_pos : ARRAY[0..2] OF INT;//the position of the last record in the list idata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF INT; sdata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF STRING; stdata : ARRAY[GVL.ZERO..GVL.MAX] OF stitems; END_STRUCT END_TYPE code section2: FUNCTION finsert : int VAR_IN_OUT stlist : stdata_list; END_VAR VAR_INPUT idata : INT; END_VAR IF stlist.ilast_pos +1 < GVL.MAX THEN stlist.idata[stlist.ilast_pos +1] := idata; stlist.ilast_pos:=stlist.ilast_pos+1; E...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Codesys V2.3 on CODESYS Forge

    Hi, I need help with a project of mine. I have a function witch look like this : code It basically contains 3 array for different data type, and the last_pos array correspond to the last value added or remove in corresponding data arrays Then i want a make multiple function witch can have impact on those array : example- 1- insert data 2- delete data 3- search for data So i begin with a function that impact 1 of the array ( int) that can insert data in the array The function code look like that :...

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