This... is not very practical for me - as I have a bunch of different classes - it's just doesn't seems to be very practical to define a NULL for each of them... Something like this I use in parameter definitions. For example: VAR_INPUT refVFD_Drive : REFERENCE TO FB_VFD_Drive := GVL_DUMMY.Dummy_VFD; END_VAR I use this to prepare objects for code I don't control: Typycally visualizations - had many troubles with references set on the fly, right before opening a corresponding visualization... And...
Wow.... I missed this one in the manual - so there is a special syntax to invalidate a reference... Great :) Seems to work. (it's just mentionned in the examples line)... I've always assigned 0 to the variable, with := 0 - like setting a pointer to 0. In theory, that should work as well. Thanks!
Wow.... I missed this one in the manual - so there is a special syntax to invalidate a reference... Great :) Seems to work. (it's just mentionned in the examples line)... I've always assigned 0 to the variable, with := 0 - like setting a pointer to 0. In theory, that should work as well. Thanks!
Dear all, I've just started to migrate some of my ancient projects to SP20. There is one strange error (?) I have noticed so far. In a method call, depending on the circumstances I would like to return reference to an object, or an invalid reference: METHOD Add_EVT_OUT : REFERENCE TO FB_MSG VAR END_VAR IF __ISVALIDREF(refMSG_Entry) THEN Add_EVT_OUT REF= MANAGER.AddMsg_EVT_OUT( refMSG_Entry, _Get_EVT_Message(MSG_EVENT.OUT), _Get_EVT_AddCode(MSG_EVENT.OUT) )^; ELSE Add_EVT_OUT := 0; END_IF So far setting...
That is a different issue you have here: I assume: You have recently updated your Codesys development system, and when opened the project, you selected "Set all to newest" in the upcoming dialog. And / or you have updated your Codesys Control (runtime). If you did not, consider doing it - just make sure you have a good backup of the original version. After updating the development system and runtime, there is one more step to do in your existing project: Go to the device tree, right click on the...
That is a different issue you have here: I assume: You have recently updated your Codesys development system, and when opened the project, you selected "Set all to newest" in the upcoming dialog. And / or you have updated your Codesys Control (runtime). If you did not, consider doing it - just make sure you have a good backup of the original version. After updating the development system and runtime, there is one more step to do in your existing project: Go to the device tree, right click on the...