Maybe this helps:
It sounds very complicated what you are trying to do. See for a simple example of a Modbus Master and Modbus Slave configuration.
What you could do is open the package with e.g. 7-zip, or rename the package to .zip and extract the .library files from the package. Then install them through Tools-Library repository. This is offcourse not the recommended way to do it, but in your case could be a solution.
How did you install it? Since 3.5 SP17 there is a "CODESYS Installer". It is best to close all CODESYS instances and then start this CODESYS Installer. From here try to install the mail service again.
Apparently both libraries contain a LinearMemoryManager function or function block. The B111RS_Sp16.4_V0.0.22 KhIfmConversion3 library is using this function or function block, but the compiler doesn't know which one should be used. So the B111RS_Sp16.4_V0.0.22 KhIfmConversion3 library has to be changed to use e.g. CDS_MemMan.LinearMemoryManager, then the compiler known that this specific fun or fb should be used from this specific library.
Possible solution is to define a DUT Type Union with Array of 2 bytes and an int: TYPE U_2B_I : UNION ab : ARRAY[0..1] OF BYTE; i : INT; END_UNION END_TYPE Then declare a variable of this type in your application, write the 2 bytes into the array and use the int VAR u1 : U_2B_I; iResult: INT; END_VAR u1.ab[0] := 2#0000_0000; u1.ab[1] := 2#1000_0000; iResult := u1.i;
Probably you want to use VAR_IN_OUT variables in your visualization and place this visualization multiple times in another visualization by using "frames". In the configuration of this frame you can then link the specific variables to the various frames. Probably a good place to start is:;product=core_visualization;version= This is already supported from on of the first versions, so should also work in 3.5.8.
Maybe this helps: Contact them to get this package.
See something similar here:
Maybe something like this: VAR Result: CmpIecTask.RTS_IEC_RESULT; hTask : CmpIecTask.RTS_IEC_HANDLE; pCurrentTaskInfo: POINTER TO Task_Info2; CurrentTaskInfo: Task_Info2; xReset: BOOL; END_VAR hTask := IecTaskGetCurrent(ADR(Result)); pCurrentTaskInfo := IecTaskGetInfo3(hIecTask := hTask, pResult := ADR(Result)); CurrentTaskInfo := pCurrentTaskInfo^; IF xReset THEN xReset := FALSE; IF hTask <> 0 THEN Result := IecTaskResetStatistics(hIecTask := hTask); END_IF END_IF
Use a more powerfull PC?
To quickly "implode" your project tree, select the top of your device tree and press the "/" key. You can also use +, - and * for this.
Probably the WebClient library can do this for you. For this you will need to know which HTTP message to send to which server. See
Probably pack mode 4 is used on your controller. You can add an "attribute" to the structure with e.g. pack mode 0 and it then probably works as you expect. See;product=codesys;version= for more information.
Maybe the pack mode of the structure can help. See the following help topic on the standard behavior and also how you can set it specifically for your structure:;product=codesys;version=
What happens when you choose "Update device" and select another one (or another version)? And what happens if you start a new project?
I tried to understand what you are trying to do, but you seem to make it much more complex then needed. Why not just have 2 instances of the fbBasicAuthWebClient and call this when needed.
As far as I can remember, the Message Processor is called for each message which is received which matches your filter. For the sending of the messages, probably you have to create different senders, because it returns true when it is sent. I'm not sure if this is set immediately or could take a cycle, but you can probably easily test this if you already have it running.
You could use the FB ModbusRequest2, so you don't have to create devices in the device tree:;product=IoDrvModbus;version= See also: To open the COM port, see:;product=CAA%20SerialCom;version=
I found the dwSelectionType options in the help of the VisuFctSelectElement: VISU_SELECTION_TAB : DWORD := 16#00000001; VISU_SELECTION_SHIFTTAB : DWORD := 16#00000002; VISU_SELECTION_FIRST : DWORD := 16#00000003; VISU_SELECTION_LAST : DWORD := 16#00000004; VISU_SELECTION_LEFT : DWORD := 16#00000005; VISU_SELECTION_UP : DWORD := 16#00000006; VISU_SELECTION_RIGHT : DWORD := 16#00000007; VISU_SELECTION_DOWN : DWORD := 16#00000008; VISU_SELECTION_AT : DWORD := 16#00000009; VISU_SELECTION_ELEMENT : DWORD...
Add the "Visu Utils" library and use the FbChangeVisu. See;product=Visu%20Utils;version=
Seek path variable changed from STRING to T_MaxString. Is required for deep nested xml file, or long tag names.
When the buffer is smaller than the filesize, it could happen that some data was not correctly parsed.
added (project embedded) xml file
Example project with small buffer and large file. creates a list of recipes with the memory location in the file. then details from this recipe can be parsed on request.
Added method to get current position where file is searched to be able to read the rest of the file.
Try: __POOL.SVN_VERSION_INFO.VERSION (double underscore before POOL) Or try: gvlSoftwareVersion.sSVNVersion
library including:
create library folder
example including reading tag value (lib
example reading tag value
Apparently the device manufacturer turned off the support for this in their device description file. Probably best to temporarily update the device to e.g. a Control Win until you have your hardware available.
First of all this depends on the mail server you are using. Does this need TLS? If yes, then your controller also should support this. Check with your device vendor if this is supported. If it is a Microsoft based mail server (, then it probably will not work, as this needs STARTTLS, but this is not supported by the mail library. If you are trying to connect to a Google mail server (gmail), then check the 2 factor authorization work-around. See
It is best to add this standard library also to the library manager of your library (in the POU pool), so end-users will never have any problems when using your library.
I tried it, but also cannot get this to work. It just opens CODESYS, but not projects... I used: CODESYS --profile="CODESYS V3.5 SP16 Patch 1" --compare="C:\test\Project1.project""C:\test\Project2.project"
See also:;product=codesys;version=
I think you are using this incorrectly. Behind IP address is the IP address you can use. By default this is localhost. You can change this. Behind Port you can see the default port number that the Gateway will use. (probably you thought that below IP address you could enter the IP address, but you should look at the right side of it and change localhost to your desired IP address....)