Hello i am trying to use the http Client sample and i have problem with the response text. I am sending a get request at http://httpbin.org/html and i can't see the full response at the response content at the Visu.
Hi gseidel , you are right again the problem was there. Thank you very very much.
Yes i use this FB so do you suggest to reduse one by one ?
Yes that was the problem . Just one click any everything works fine. Thank you so so so so much. I have also now an other issue check the video but i believe this is my programming fault.
Here you are . The motors have 120o distance . It's a classic delta robot...
downwards, did you calculate the movements with the new values ? As i told you i send old photo before. My dimensions are correct ,i made the design so i can measure them from solidworks but also i measure them and they are correct . I can send you photo if you want to check by yourself.
sorry for the inconvenience but the previous photo was old this is the right dimensions . 1) is -5 mm 2) is -70mm 3) is no change 4) is 44.5cm I can't measure with high accuracy but the numbers is close to real.
Hello Georg i check them again now everything it's correct from the dimensions. Check the attachment for the jog. I am using virtual axis for x y z you can check my setup at previous photos.
OK i made some videos . You can see how i am zeroing, you can see the z axis problem when i am moving z axis and i am not at x=0 y=0 also you can see that the x or y movement it hasn't got fix z but it's like curve
Hello again , I believe that i need to use this FB SMC_InvCoordinateTransformation3D but i don't want to use the cnc interpolator i just want to use Groupjog and MC_MoveDirectAbsolute FB right now is there any way to try it with them ?
Here you are
You can check the attachment . I already made this check and it seems that is everything ok ( only at number ) but in real life it's not if you want i can send a video here maybe it will be helpful
Hello gseidel i had check all of this. The z axis is going fine at the start position of x=0 y=0 but if i move one of these axis it's going diagonial. If you need any video please let me know.
Hello i am using this setup because my motors it's not with absolut encoder but they have resolver. So first i enable the group axis ,next i am homing the drives and insert there the Position of each drive in Degrees then i am setting the Coordinate transform. Which is x=0 y=0 z=500 .But i don't see any difference with this FB or without.And last but not least i am using this setup for jog
Hello first of all i need to tell you that the robot is Tripod with rotary axes. Secondly all these informations from the GUI kinematics is correct and triple checked . It seems like the start point of the Z axis for the kinematics it's not from the TCP Zero point but from the top , from the motors plane. I think that the problem is there but i am not sure, i tried to insert a tool offset but it doesn't work.
it is real yes
Hello , I am using soft motion for a tripod project and i am facing problem with the z axis. The z axis doesn't move straight but it makes a diagonal move. I use the Axis group with GUI for the kinematics. Can anyone tell me what i miss or send some example ?