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2021-01-20 15:56:08


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User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on CODESYS Examples

    Hello Mike, in case you don't find the place on your system, where examples are installed, you might simply want to open the "CODESYS Building Automation" you've downloaded, using 7zip ore some other unzip tool. The package itself is basically a zip archiv, with content following specific rules. Within the package zip here is a folder "Projects" which contains the examples. Extract the examples from there to wherever you like. Hope this helps. Ullrich

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    sure ;-)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Engineering 🇬🇧 on CODESYS Forge

    Hello kbus, sorry for the inconvinience, this slipped through all the testing :( There is an easy workaround: // Configure the MODBUS TCP server server(fcsSupported:=fcsSupported, dataModel:=exampleDataModel.tableDefs, xEnable:=FALSE, wsInterfaceName:="Ethernet 2", uiPort:=28502); // uiPort:=28502 doesnt work // Start the server, set internal variable uiPort prior xEnable := TRUE {implicit on} server.uiPort:=28502; {implicit off} server(xEnable:=TRUE); and all works as expected. The whole problem...

  • Committed [r1]

    Example project for application note CODESYS Control SL BACnet MS/TP

  • Committed [r2]

    CDS-75051 - Modbus Function Blocks: add examples to forge

  • Committed [r1]

    CDS-75051 - Modbus Function Blocks: add examples to forge

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