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Communication rpi3 and codesys

Hello guys ,
i have rpi3 and codesys with license of rpi3 , i also have driver w5500 connected to rpi3 over spi and i have download imager from rapberrypi.org like on picture i choose Raspberry pi OS i install raspberry pi os 32 bit , when driver w5500 is connected to my rpi3 over spi it configure automaticly , when i start project on codesys i select version 3S and now when i trying to put rpi adress ip on i have error 'no device is responding scan request' the error on capture2.Please help me to do that , i see a lot of people recommand RT kernel and idk if already installed on my rpi or not . i'm new to using raspberry pi .

Posted by yy11 2020-08-26