Where do i find those files for 3.5.20? They seem to be relocated ...
Found it. Thanks!
Did you find a solution for this problem?
The SM3_Drive_ETC_Beckhoff_EL70xx library has descriptors for the EL7031, EL7041 and EL7047 but not the EL7037? Is there another library that has the one I need?
Hi, Is the Beckhoff EL7037 supported by codesys with softmotion? Where can I find a device descriptor that includes the drive object for the EL7037?
Is there a solution for this problem? Same here where the OS language was french during the installation of codesys (SP20 Patch2)
I tried both 3B en 4. But every time with a lite version. I didn't try the full version of raspberry pi os. Nice to hear you are aware of the problem and trying to fix it. I'll hold on to the image from 2023-10-10 for now.
I tried both 3B en 4. But every time with a lite version. Never tried the full version of raspberry pi os. Nice to hear you are aware of the problem and trying to fix it. I'll hold on to the image from 2023-10-10 for now.