#34 New layout is really ugly...



Since a few days the layout has changed, and in my opinion, not for the good.
The new layout seems to have a bigger fontsize (?) which is unpleasant to look at even on my 4K UHD screen. In general everything looks larger, including the home screen. On my laptop with HD the lay-out is unpleasant also.

I would like to ask if it's possible to have the old lay-out (smaller default fontsize) back as that layout was very pleasing.


  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2018-11-21

    Thanks for the feedback. We're currently working with our designers on that topic. Every feedback is welcome. If the layout is corrupted somehow, please let us know (w/ a screenshot). You know that some browsers are difficult sometimes. ;)

  • codesys.com

    codesys.com - 2018-11-22

    Thanks! I compared the CODESYS Homepage and our current style. I guess, that we made a mistake in the last design session. Until we have the next session, I changed the font-size to a value which I think is more correct.
    But please be patient if it changes after the next session again ;)

    • aliazzz

      aliazzz - 2018-12-02


      I have noticed that the layout defaults have been restored to its former glory :-)
      Offcourse, further experimentation is no problem, as long as the usability/readability is not degraded.

  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2018-12-09
    • status: open --> closed
  • Ingo

    Ingo - 2018-12-09

    I think we agreed on this issue. If you find another one, please file a new ticket.


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