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BC9000 installtarget file???

  • Gulyware - 2007-04-17

    Did anybody used BC9000 from Beckhoff so far? I have a little project with that and there is no BC9000 in Target settings.I have TwinCat installed (from Beckhoff same as CodeSys 2.3 ) but this one is time limited. I was searching on the net if there is TNF or TRG file to install available...but Nothing I found.

    If someone has it share it with me PLEASE.



  • arj3090 - 2007-05-11

    I have used the BC9000 in multiple occasions.

    When you start a new project in TwinCAT PLC Control, select BC via AMS for ethernet comms. If you have the serial programming cable then slect BC via serial.

  • Gulyware - 2007-06-14

    arj3090 hat geschrieben:
    I have used the BC9000 in multiple occasions.
    When you start a new project in TwinCAT PLC Control, select BC via AMS for ethernet comms. If you have the serial programming cable then slect BC via serial.


    But this one I knew already...I thought it's possible to use Codesys from 3S instead of the Twincat program.

    Anyway, I made the test with Twincat and was fine.




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