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Can u provide some example about CANOPEN?

  • lglgang - 2008-07-16

    I read your some document,

    but I can not learn how to use the CANOPEN connect to BERGHOF to control A COPLEY DEVICE.

  • lglgang - 2008-07-16

    IN PLC configuration . but i can not know how to use the PDO-MAPPING IN PROGRAM.

    I want to know how to program use the Send PDO-Mapping and Service Data Objects .

    The CoDeSys can simulate the CAN ?


    IMG: plc02.JPG


  • TimvH

    TimvH - 2008-08-12

    First of all I think you should contact Berghof how to use the SDO FB's. If they are the same as the ones in the 3S libraries you could use something like the code in attached export file. Import this in a new project and add the libraries 3S_CANOPENMANAGER.LIB, 3S_CANOPENMASTER and 3S_CANDRV.LIB. "Only do this when they use the 3S libraries, but again you should ask Berghof for this".

    When you download the application and run it, the application should automatically map your PDO's and start exchanging data when it goes to Operation state.

    Maybe you should contact Copley on how to map the PDO's.

    You cannot fully test this in simulation mode. You should have the hardware to test the PDO and SDO transfer.

    I hope this helps.

    PLC_PRG.zip [1.74 KiB]


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