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Codesys closes instantly after I try to download to PLC

  • chris16 - 2022-12-20

    I am a new Codesys user, I had everything working and was making progress on a program, I was able to build, go online, download and test my program just fine. Last week there was a Windows 10 update and after that Codesys 2.3 started to give this problem. I could go online but the moment I start the download, Codesys closes (crashes). I have tried; re-installing Codesys and turning off Windows anti-virus protection but am still having this problem.

    Has anyone else seen this? Any ideas of how to trouble-shoot this? Any advise is appriciated.


  • chris16 - 2022-12-21

    I was able to resolve my issue, but now I would like to ask if anyone knows what may have happened. The resolution was to Reset (Original) from Codesys. After changing the communication baud rate back to the default of 250k (my application uses 500k), I was able to login and download successfully. I am using the visualizer to test my application, if I disconnect and leave that running, when I come back and try to reconnect is that creating the issue?

  • hermsen

    hermsen - 2022-12-21

    Some remarks, for official suppport you should always reach out to the oem, the original equipment manufacturer, in other words the brand/make PLC supplier.
    When asking for help, you should always ask concise questions and explain every detail/step to reproduce the issue.

    Some questions I have are: what is the brand and type of PLC you are using? What is the type of connection you are using to programm the controller? Are you running the latest FW in your PLC? Etc andsoforth.

    I hope you can provide any and all information in order to let us help you better.


    Last edit: hermsen 2022-12-21
  • chris16 - 2022-12-21

    In answer to your questions:
    1. The PLC is an EPEC 3606 v1.2.3
    2. I am programming it over CAN with a Vector VN1630A
    3. The PLC software is v4.5.8131.27328 (I believe that this is the latest)
    4. The application broadcasts a single J1939 message at 500k every 1 second. The visualizer controls two PWM outputs and two DO.
    5. The problem is reproducible by the following steps(starting from a reset (original PLC):
    A. Login, download code, Run. (Communication error occurs and Codesys logouts due to baudrate)
    B. Change baud rate in Codesys to 500k
    C. Login, download, Run. Everything is ok, test code.
    D. Logout, change code, build, download, run, test code more, everything is still ok.
    B. Logout, close Codesys, leave PLC powered on.
    C. Open Codesys, login, download, crash occurs.

    1. To recover I have to reset to original and start from step A.

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