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  • davre-1 - 2007-03-19

    I am new user of this CoDeSys. So I have 2 questions about it.

    1. Is there any possibility to change REAL type to BOOL type or viceversa? If there is no possibility, then what should I do?

    2. How to use RESET funtion in CoDeSys?because I should make a program that consist of RESET function.

    I would be very helpful for any help,


  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2007-06-11

    Hi, the answer is late, but I hope nevertheless useful for you. First of all: Use the integrated help in CoDeSys, it contains the answers for both questions:

    1. You can use the conversion operators REAL_TO_BOOL and BOOL_TO_REAL. If you use the input assistant (F2 hotkey) all conversion operators are listed.

    2. Depending on the controller you use there is a special system library SysLibPlcCtrl.lib which offers a function SysResetPlcProgram with options for warm, cold or hard reset.

    I hope this will help you.


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