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Getting error while connecting to Ethernet/IP device

  • deeksha - 2023-04-03

    I added a device "Ethernet" and then "Ethernet/IP Scanner" in device tree. After that I am trying to build the project, but getting error: C0041: VAR_IN_OUT parameter 'szComponent' of 'SysMemFreeData' needs variables with write access as input.

    Can someone please help me in understand why I am getting this error and how to resolve it?

  • AlfredoQuintero - 2023-04-05

    if you post your project I can have a look at it. Can/t tell with the description only. Or at least post a screenshot.

  • deeksha - 2023-04-11


    It is a blank project. I have just started using CoDeSys for Ethernet/IP controller, added only device "Ethernet/IP adapter" and build the project, got the compilation error. If you can explain what this error means? Image is attached, have a look.


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