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programing the SFC's transitions

  • sahar-zafrir - 2006-04-30


    i have a little problem,when i program a transition in SFC language.

    if i write the logic statement on the transition itself everything is all right,

    but when i click the transition itself and choose the ladder language then i write the same transition's logic statement it doesn't work ( even if the logic statement is true it doesn't pass to the next step)

    please look at the attached project,

    in order to make the statement true i used the logic at the step3.

  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2006-05-12

    I just tested this with a recent CoDeSys version ( and seems that there is no problem. Please find the projetc attached.

    Unfortunately your project was not attached thus I could not test it.

    sfc_ld_transition.pro [10.25 KiB]

  • kariasg - 2006-06-14


    i have a problem with the logic statement on the transition. i want active transition when previous step (S2) pass 1sec active. i write in ST language S2.t > t#1s; into transition, but not working.

    what is the problem?


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