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OPC UA Symbols Objects

  • zesty - 2022-04-07

    Apologies if the wrong forum. I am using Unified Automation SDK for OPC UA client. When I connect to Codesys OPC UA server, the 3D data type variables in my Codesys project are being recognized as custom types instead of OPC UA standard ones, e.g. Application.underscore3DVector instead 3DVector. This is causing issue in my client because the variables need to be mapped to corresponding vector and matrix properties in the main application (3D simulation).

    I know that Codesys OPC UA server is using string identifiers. I am wondering if I need to make any changes to the mapping attributes in my Codesys project or anything else to adhere to OPC UA standard.

    Appreciate any help on the matter. Cheers, and enjoy your day!


    Last edit: zesty 2022-04-07
  • zesty - 2022-04-11

    Discussed this with SDK provider and UA Expert support. They believe the issue is with Codesys server configuration. Reported it to Codesys as bug. Will do further testing on my side with VDMA configured OPC UA server for KUKA robot.

  • eschwellinger

    eschwellinger - 2022-04-11

    The editor of the information model object must be used for publishing variables, only then is the information model correctly applied. The symbol configuration uses its own information model and is not connected to the objects below the communication manager. For this use case we recommend to create your own small information model with object types containing the variables using the Coordinate types. This information model should be used in CODESYS instead of the base OPC UA model.


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