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Excel and CoDeSys DDE

  • schamic - 2007-01-18


    I want to do a connection between excel and an automate 750-841.

    Now, I can do that, but the problem is the next. CoDeSys must be allways open and "on line".

    And I don't want CoDeSys open. I want a directory connection between excel and the automate.

    Can I do that??

    Thank you for your response and excuse me for my level of english.

  • RolandWagner

    RolandWagner - 2007-01-23


    please try the attached example. It is based on the SoftPLC CoDeSys SP RTE but should work in the same way with any other PLC.

    I hope this will help you further

    GatewayDDEServer_Example_e.zip [66.4 KiB]


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