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  • Geoff White - 2007-10-11


    I am trying to make broadcast network server for sharing 'global' data among a number of PLCs.

    I had a search of the forum and found the WagoEthernetServer example and it looks like an ideal starting point. Unfortunately I can not find a copy of the Ethernet.lib library that it uses.

    I am using Moeller PLCs. Is this library limited to the Wago PLCs? If not, where can I get it?

  • ndzied1 - 2007-10-15


    I would think that most ethernet libraries are specific to hardware.

    Ethernet communications generally require a connection between the two devices be established. I was thinking you might be able to use Modbus/TCP to do this but couldn't be a broadcast. It could, however, be set up as a loop and all that would have to change with each loop would be the IP address of the slave station.

    The modbus libraries are explained in Moeller Applicaiton note AN27K22 which can be found at w www.moeller.net w .

    I have set up an XC201 as a Modbus TCP slave connected to an HMI that was the Modbus master but never set up a Modbus Master on the PLC.

    Hope this helps

  • B.Roth - 2007-10-23


    you need a modbusTCP-client library based on Syslibsockets.lib.

    Ask moeller if they deliver this with their targets.

    You could also buy one from 3S or somebody here in the forum will send you this lib is maybe in some other targets (WAGO?)

  • Geoff White - 2007-10-25

    I must be stupid.

    The functionality I am looking for is exactly what the network global variables do.

  • Anonymous - 2007-10-25

    Originally created by: Nicolai_Hanssing

    Geoff White hat geschrieben:
    I must be stupid.
    The functionality I am looking for is exactly what the network global variables do.

    Do note, that you can use UDP broadcast, wich is server to multiple-clients. This however can load a large network with a lot of broadcast traffic, as it is transmitted on all segments of a layer-two ethernet network.

    If broadcast is not wanted, you can use direct udp between two PLC.

    This is of course needed if the PLC's are not on the same layer-2 segment.


    Nicolai Hanssing


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