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How to make triangle signal?

  • Anonymous - 2006-03-29

    Originally created by: c1211

    Hi, I'm still new in codesys. I'm doing a project and I would like to have a triangle signal as an output in real number. The inputs are the periode and amplitude. I already try using GEN block with TRIANGLE_POS as the mode, but the output doesn't look good. I also try using INTEGRAL block by changing the IN with positive and negative number, but I can't set the periode. Should I use timer or make a new function or function block to create the triangle signal? I already try that too, but doesn't work well either. Please give me a clue, how to make it possible.


  • Anonymous - 2006-05-04

    Originally created by: Frank Hailer


    Please look at the example project enclosed. I hope you searched for something like that. I also used the GEN function block.

    Bye, Frank Hailer

    RealTriangle.zip [69.54 KiB]


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