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Trouble with User-defined Libraries

  • saj-khan - 2007-08-23


    I am evaluating the older version of CoDeSys(ver 2.something).I wrote a new library containing a function block for motor control.I included the standard library in this library because my function block uses other function blocks from the standard library.

    The problem is whenever I create a new program in which I use my function block and then download it to SP RTE I get an error "unresolved external POUs".

    I am not sure if the problem is with the version of the library I am using while saving it or anyother.

    Please help to resolve this.

    Sajid Khan.

  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-23


    Did you save your library as "External Library"? That was the first idea wich came in my mind. If you create a library wich contains code written in CoDeSys you have to save it as internal library. For an external lib the code must be part or extension of the runtime system. If there are functions missing you get exactly the error message you mentioned.



  • saj-khan - 2007-08-24

    Ralph Holz hat geschrieben:
    Did you save your library as "External Library"? That was the first idea wich came in my mind. If you create a library wich contains code written in CoDeSys you have to save it as internal library. For an external lib the code must be part or extension of the runtime system. If there are functions missing you get exactly the error message you mentioned.

    Hi Ralph,

    Yes,I did save it as external library.And also tried saving it as external library 2.1 and 2.2.I have also included this library along with the standard library in my application.But the same error always.

    A few days back some CoDeSys installation files in WinXP were corrupted due to a virus.I had to delete some files as cleaning and then repair the installation.Do you think this could be the cause?I will try to uninstall and then reinstall the software.

    Thanks for your help.

    Sajid Khan

  • Ralph Holz - 2007-08-27


    try to save your library as "internal Library" and it will work! Thats the way to save a in CoDeSys written (internal) Library.




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