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CAN Master Slave configuration

  • rajatb - 2007-07-13

    Hi every1..

    I am using CAN master slave configuration in my project. In plc configuration I am not clear about certain things like module id , sync cob id etc...Can someone refer me with some good reading references where I can get to know about CAN Master and slave n its configuratin details..

    Any kind of help is praiseworthy.


    Rajat Bansal

  • ndzied1 - 2007-07-13

    You might start at http://www.canopen.org

    You can download the basic standards for free.

    I have found what I believe is a pretty good book in english titled:

    "Embedded Networking with CAN dan CANopen" ISBN0-929392-78-7

    Also, in the help file there is a large section on CAN configuration that describes each window and what the parameters mean. At least in 2.3 which is the version I am using.



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