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  • LeonL - 2008-02-18

    Is it possible to control the "Sampling Trace" from code rather than the GUI? For example I want the trace to always be runing and when a certain signal goes high it should write the content of the trace buffer to disk.

    What I'm looking for is a bit like a blackbox in an airplane, I want signal changes to be recorded and if something goes wrong (signaled by a incoming signal) it should save this so that the error can be traced. It should be automaticaly and not requier human intervention.

    Can I do this with the "Sampling Trace"? If not is there some other way I can implement this?

    Thanks in advance

    Leon Ljunggren

  • Rolf-Geisler - 2008-02-19


    I'm afraid the CoDeSys sampling trace will not work for that purpose.

    You need to store the wanted signals / values into a ring buffer, e.g. an array with a revolving index. Array members may be STRUCTs.



  • LeonL - 2008-02-22

    Yea, I ended up going with a ringbuffer. Thanks for the reply.


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