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Variable update

  • Anonymous - 2007-11-01

    Originally created by: Tomasz Wisniowski

    Hello everyone,

    I am having a weird problem and I'm not even sure where to start. When I am on online and running with some hardware, the Global Variable list seems like it is not being updated. There are a bunch of variables that are getting values and then at some point the variables are all "???" I cannot force these variables, or use them in any way.

    I must admit, the gloabal variable list is quite long. I am planning on making some of them local variables because there is no need for them to be global but I don't think that should be a limitation. If it is does any one have any rules of thumb when dealing with global variables?

    Like I said, I'm not sure if the global variable list will solve the problem I am having. Any other suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  • ndzied1 - 2007-11-02

    I believe we have seen this when we have the window looking at the variables online too big.

    Try making your window smaller so you are not looking at so many variables at one time. This will reduce the required communications and may bring back the display.


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